Primitive and Modern approaches Travel and Navigation Primitive and Modern approaches
Deciding to Travel When… You know where you are and where you are going Nobody is going to be looking for you and You possess the skills to navigate safely
What is a map? A 2D representation of a 3D surface How can a map be useful? What do you need to know about a map before it can help you? What type of map is most useful to us? How do I get better at using a map?
Maps Many different types of maps Most useful map for hiking is the topographical map
Latitude and Longitude
Lat and Long cont. Latitude lines run east/west Longitude lines run north/south Equator marks 0 degrees latitude NP and SP are 90 degrees latitude Prime Meridian is 0 degrees of longitude and passes through Greenwich, England
Topographical Maps Includes contour lines which represent equal points of elevation When you follow a line crossing contour lines you will be either climbing or descending
Parts of a Topo Map Date of revision - probably most important The course of a river channel may change fairly rapidly as a result of flooding, landslides may alter topography significantly, roads are added or go out of use, etc. Because of these changes, it is important to have a fairly recent (or recently updated) topographic map to ensure accuracy. On most topographic maps, the date of the initial publication will be shown, along with the most recent revision of the map.
More parts to a map… Legend or Key Scale Neatline Title Color Compass Rose
Topo Maps 1:24,00 is a common useful scale on a map 1 inch equals 24,000 inches 1:64,000 where 1 inch is about equal to 1 mile
Topographical Features USGS Website…
Topo Map Excercise What is the Map name and Number What are the adjoining maps? What is the highest elevation? Lowest elevation? What is the contour interval of this map? What is the latitude and longitude ranges of this map Scale? Find a trail of some sort. How long is it? Describe how to get to a park from a major highway. What is the name of the largest body of water? How long is the longest river? Where (Lat-Long) is the largest man-made structure on your map?
Cardinal Directions North = 0 degrees East = 90 degrees South = 180 degrees West = 270 degrees
Compass Rose (Drawing)
Compass Part Identification
More Compass… A compass points towards magnetic north not true north What is the difference? Why should you know the difference? What is this difference called? Is this difference the same everywhere?
Difference between NP and MNP
Declination The angle difference between true north and magnetic north in degrees east or west
How to take a bearing Point “Direction of Travel Arrow” at point you wish go Spin “Azimuth ring” until “Orienting Arrow” and “Magnetic Needle” line up Read number or direction on “Azimuth Ring” That is your bearing
Primitive Navigation Navigation by the stars Sun Stick and Shadow Watch Nature
Navigation by stars – Big Dipper
Navigation by stars
Sun Sun rises in East and sets in West For the Northern Hemisphere, the sun stays in the Southern half of the sky throughout the day/year
Stick and Shadow
Using a Watch for direction Point the hour hand at the sun, half way between 12 and the sun is South
Using Nature Good luck with that… Moss sometimes grows on the North side of the tree… Birds sometimes put their nests in Southeast side of trees
G.P.S. - Global Positioning System The GPS is made up of three parts: Satellites orbiting the Earth Control and monitoring stations on Earth The GPS receivers owned by users. GPS satellites broadcast signals from space that are picked up and identified by GPS receivers. Each GPS receiver then provides three-dimensional location (latitude, longitude, and altitude) plus the time.