Foreign Exchange
Theoretical Framework Construct: Foreign Exchange Risk Variables: Countries GDP (higher GDP less risk) Inflation rate (lower inflation less risk)
General Motors Overview -Founded in 1908 -The world’s largest automaker with more than 30 manufacturing operations, vehicles sold in approx. 200 countries -8.5 million unit sales in vehicles in 2001 (15.1% worldwide market share) Major product lines include: Financial services, mortgage, business financing, insurance services, satellite services and more
What is the essence of the case? What is the case about? Changing hedging policy from an active one to a passive one
Analysis Argentina at risk of defaulting Could cause currency to devalue
Key Issues Mitigating the devaluation of currency Reduce cash flow and earnings volatility Minimize costs and time dedicated to global FX management
Alternative Solution
Recommended Solutions With Logic (CAD deviation and ARS deviation) Canadian dollar Argentina peso