E-MAIL : info@maharshi.com CONTACT : +91 - 9727754310
PROFILE / GROUP HISTORY Maharshi represents a conglomerate of companies whose range of operations span in various industries like Pharmaceuticals, Distilleries & Breweries, Cosmetics & Toiletries, Lube & Edible Oil, Pesticides, Food & Ancillaries etc. Maharshi Promoted by Mr. Rajesh Shah with a modest beginning in 1980, today it is a multi-product & multi-locational engineering group with proven capabilities in design, development & manufacturing of Packaging machinery and material for above industries. E-MAIL : info@maharshi.com CONTACT : +91 - 9727754310
Products Packaging Lines Liquid Line Labelling System Label Printing Division Other Equipments E-MAIL : info@maharshi.com CONTACT : +91 - 9727754310
AWARDS & RECOGNITIONS Our contribution to the packaging machinery have been acknowledged by way of following awards for designing and manufacturing of STICKER LABELLING MACHINES (FIXONAME) E-MAIL : info@maharshi.com CONTACT : +91 - 9727754310
Contact Us Address : 4, Ruchi, 36, Swastic Society, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380009, India. Phone : +91-79-2642 4883, / 2644 1079, / 2656 3612 Mobile : +91 - 9727754310, 9825073536, 9909005848 Fax : +91-79-2642 5456 E-mail : info@maharshi.com / sales@maharshi.com Website : www.maharshi.com / www.labellingandlabels.com E-MAIL : info@maharshi.com CONTACT : +91 - 9727754310