Mrs. Jamie Chiodo (440) 349-7757 ext. 5601 Welcome to Curriculum Night! Please take this time to sign up for classroom parties and a November conference. Mrs. Jamie Chiodo (440) 349-7757 ext. 5601
Be Kind! Work Hard! Never Give Up! Room 125 Classroom Rules Be Kind! Work Hard! Never Give Up!
Who is Mrs. Chiodo? Personal Background • Born, raised, and live in Solon • B.S. in Elementary Edu. From Geneva College (K-8) • MEd: Ashland University • This is my 14th year teaching is Solon • I have Four Children: Nick - 18, Katie – 16, Sophie – 9, and, Brooklyn 6
Knowledge and Skills READING WORKSHOP: 8:00-9:00 A.M. • April 17th and 18th AIR ELA Developmental Reading Assessments (D.R.A.) Mini-Lessons Google Guided Reading Independent Reading “Just Right Books” Each day: 30 minutes in school and 30 minutes out of school Students’ “Book Bags” come home each night and should come back to school each day.
Knowledge and Skills Reading Units: Q1: Interpreting Characters and Reading the Weather Reading the World Q2: Reading the Weather Reading the World (cont’) and Historical Fiction Q3: Reading History, Interpretation Book Clubs, and Poetry Q4: Poetry (cont’) and Brining History to Life
Knowledge and Skills, Cont’d. WRITING WORKSHOP: 9:00-10:00 A.M. Mini-lesson, Guided Practice, and conferencing Q1: Arc of the Story and Boxes and Bullets Q2: Boxes and Bullets (cont’), Cross-Text Informational Writing, and Literary Essay Q3: Literary Essay (cont’), Cross-text Opinion Writing, and Cross-Text Literacy Q4: Cross Text Needs, Poetry, and Bringing History to Life
Knowledge and Skills, Cont’d. Math: EnVision Mathematics 10:10-11:10 AM May 2nd & 3rd- AIR Math test Aligned to Common Core State Standards Introduce the lessons with a problem-based scenario that the children work through then present to receive feedback Teaches for conceptual understanding and application versus rote memorization Homework Online student textbook: enVision TenMarks- additional resource
Math Data Sheet Edulastic
Knowledge and Skills, Cont’d. SCIENCE AND SOCIAL STUDIES: 1:00- 2:00 P.M. Science: Earth’s Surface, Earth’s Living History, Thermal/Matter, Electricity Social Studies: Mapping, Early History, Birth of the U.S., Formation and Expansion of the U.S. , Democracy, Changes and Impacts of Technology, and Ohio Today
Homework Read for at least 30 minutes each night Students document when they finish a new book on their reading log. Student may read independently or be read to (that is okay!) Nightly math homework – select problems Type to Learn- please monitor at home! Additional assignments (word processing/science/social studies) should take no longer than 10-20 minutes to complete.
Classroom Expectations: Punch Cards Owlie Panther Pride Tickets Accountability Card System
Important Resources: Ohio Dept. of Edu. Teacher Website: x?DomainId=439 School Calendar: Ohio Dept. of Edu. Envision: Tenmarks: Google Drive:
Miscellaneous Field trips- Severance Hall, (February), Science Center and Loly the Trolly in the Spring Electronic Devices- 1-1 Chromebooks Snack- healthy choices please! Mindset- Building Wide Goal E+R=O Emails Please sign up on both my list and the Classroom Coordinator’s list to receive emails! Birthday Treats- No snacks, may donate a book to the classroom library, names read over announcements
Thank you for coming!