The Secret Life of Bees Conflict Essay Notes on Body Paragraphs
OBJECTIVE The main objective of the Body Paragraphs is to support your Thesis by … Analyzing how each Type of Conflict affects the character Providing specific evidence from the book to support your analysis
State the general idea of this particular paragraph TOPIC SENTENCE (sentence 1) State the general idea of this particular paragraph Make a connection between your character and your FIRST Type of Conflict
Body Paragraph Example (sentence 1) Deborah fell madly in love with T Ray, married and had a child with him, then realized she no longer loved him.
Refer to a specific example that expands on your topic sentence ASSERTION (sentence 2) Refer to a specific example that expands on your topic sentence Show clearly HOW the Type of Conflict affects your character
Body Paragraph Example (sentence 2) She struggled with her own emotions, sank into a deep depression, and eventually abandoned her family in an attempt to find herself again.
Use an exact quotation from the text to support your example DIRECT EVIDENCE (sentence 3) Use an exact quotation from the text to support your example Include correct MLA citation Make sure you have a LEAD-IN to your quotation
Body Paragraph Example (sentence 3) LEAD-IN According to August, Deborah was “isolated from things, married to a man she really didn’t want to be married to” Kidd 253). CITATION
ELABORATION/EXPLANATION (sentences 4 and 5) Explain how the direct evidence proves the assertion If it helps, start with “This evidence shows …” Make sure the connection between assertion and evidence is clear
Body Paragraph Example (sentences 4 and 5) This evidence proves that Deborah never wanted to abandon her daughter, Lily, but she needed to overcome her inner demons before she could be a good mother. By sharing this information, August is helping Lily see that Deborah may have had serious problems, but she never stopped or lost her love for Lily.
Re-emphasize the point of this paragraph CLINCHER (sentence 6) Re-emphasize the point of this paragraph Re-connect the point of this paragraph with your overall thesis
Body Paragraph Example (sentence 6) Unfortunately for Lily, Deborah’s choices prevented her from ever being able to say the words that Lily most needs to hear.
Repeat & Repeat Repeat this process for Body Paragraphs #2 and #3, focusing on your two other Types of Conflict.