Joe Blubaugh Diana Mui David Sutherland Matthew Swallow .das Autotünr. Joe Blubaugh Diana Mui David Sutherland Matthew Swallow
Ethical Considerations Safety Can Das Autotunr hurt somebody? Not directly! String breakage There are safety checks to ensure this won’t happen (shouldn’t burst into flames)
More ethics… Sufficient testing is necessary since we’re interfacing with unique devices Guitar type (electric, acoustic) String gauges (light, medium, heavy) String material (nylon, steel, nickel, bronze) Start tunings
Ethics^3… Safety warnings We should outline the criteria required to enter “multi-string” tuning mode Warn that overtorqued strings may snap
Environmental Impact: Manufacturing PCB “Currently any printed circuit board that we produce does not contain any mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls or polybrominated diphenyl ethers.” Still uses Pb (unless you pay more) Other components have negligible impact
Environmental Impact: Usage How does Das Autotunr affect the environment while operating? Besides the drastic cut in tuning time leading to increased noise pollution and risk of exposing the world to perfectly-tuned face-melting rock… Negligible
Environmental Impact: Disposal + side: Relatively small volume, landfill friendly! - side: Das Autotunr is not biodegradable Plastic/lexan can be recycled No special disposal considerations necessary
Questions? Questions?