Glory All Around John 17:1-5 The Father Glorifies the Son Knowing the True God The Son Glorifies the Father
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 The Father Glorifies the Son Jesus is given the gift of a people. Jesus is given the gift of power or authority. Jesus is given specific ones for salvation as a gift from the Father.
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 Knowing the True God What does it mean that they may know? It is talking about more than awareness! It is talking about more than information! It is talking about more than experience! It is not merely knowledge of God alone! It is a personal encounter with God based on His holiness, the awareness of our sin, and our deep need of a Savior. This only comes by the working of the Holy Spirit
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 Knowing the True God Who is this true God? What is the effect on us when we come to know Him? We find the answers in the event of Moses and the burning bush – Exodus 3. We see God’s holiness. We see God’s omniscience – Hebrews 4:13.
Hebrews 4:13 (NASB) 13 And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are open and laid bare to the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 Knowing the True God Who is this true God? What is the effect on us when we come to know Him? We find the answers in the event of Moses and the burning bush – Exodus 3. We see God’s holiness. We see God’s omniscience – Hebrews 4:13. We see God’s sovereignty.
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 Knowing the True God The real problem of knowing God is that we do not want to because we find He is threatening. God knows this and has taken steps to reveal Himself to us. God has revealed Himself in history. God has revealed Himself in writing. God has revealed Himself to us personally through His Holy Spirit.
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 The Son Glorifies the Father Jesus was given the gift of work. This was a specific work, the work of atonement – our salvation. This work was a finished work! This work is to God’s glory! This reveals His attributes and character. We need to be satisfied in Christ’s death.
Glory All Around John 17:1-5 What are the conclusions to Christ’s atoning work being a finished work, having been accepted as the sole grounds for salvation by the Father? We cannot and should not add to it! We should proclaim it! We must recognize this as God’s work for us! Our work, unlike Christ’s, is not complete, but we are to be working on it!
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 God’s Viewpoint of Salvation A Disciple’s Viewpoint of Salvation
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 God’s Viewpoint of Salvation Jesus says that the disciples were God’s originally. Everything that exists belongs to God who created it and can do with it what He pleases. Everything that exists obeys the laws that He has set for it. This includes people! And out of the world comes a holy people separated out to salvation – election.
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 God’s Viewpoint of Salvation God the Father has given this special holy people to His Son Jesus as a possession by His sovereign grace. We are reminded of this seven times in this prayer. Jesus had been in the world for more than thirty years as the world’s light. Jesus knew and treated these gifts as the future of His Kingdom!
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 God’s Viewpoint of Salvation Jesus has made God known to them. Jesus had literally made the name of God known to them. He revealed the Father! This is a Jewish phrase that speaks of God’s attributes. Not Elohim (Creator), not Jehovah (primarily as Redeemer), not El Elyon (Most High), and not Jehovah Jireh (Our Provider) Jesus made known the name Father!
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 God’s Viewpoint of Salvation The disciples have received this word or obeyed (kept) it. Literally means “to pay attention to” or “to observe” This is the end product of first hearing and then understanding it to the point that it makes a difference in our behavior. This is all brought about by the Holy Spirit.
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 A Disciple’s Viewpoint of Salvation Jesus has given the disciples the words that the Father gave Him. God’s Word is the only thing powerful enough to do what is necessary in the hearts of fallen men and women. If the Word is God’s tool, then the Holy Spirit is the craftsman. We are just the messengers!
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 A Disciple’s Viewpoint of Salvation The disciples had received God’s Word. The word “accept” here means “to get” or “to receive” and is less hard than the word used above for “obey.” Jesus is backtracking to get to the harder word “obey.” This step means that the Word can go in one ear and out the other.
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 A Disciple’s Viewpoint of Salvation On the basis of Jesus’ words, they have known that He came from the Father. The world says that “seeing is believing”; while Jesus says that “believing is seeing” – John 11. This is not a contradiction but merely a statement that a certain number of convictions about Jesus must precede our faith. We must know that Jesus is God, that His teachings are true, and that He died as our substitute on the cross.
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 A Disciple’s Viewpoint of Salvation The disciples believed in Jesus as the one whom God the Father sent. Faith is not blind trust but is founded on knowledge that comes from the Word through the Holy Spirit. But it is not knowledge alone. It is a personal commitment based upon knowledge but going beyond that knowledge to a willingness to trust and obey God at His Word.
Two Important Sequences John 17:6-8 Application Do you know and believe in the one true God? Is God your Father? Do you understand that your belief is a gift only as a result of God’s drawing and calling you to Himself? Is that belief a result of total and complete surrender to His will and way marked by your obedience?