Communications Unit
Communication – is the process of exchanging information Two Types of Communication Verbal – is the use of words to convey information Examples: Talking Writing a letter Texting Nonverbal - is the exchange of information without words Examples: Smiles Gestures Posture
5 Senses Sight Hearing Smell Taste Touch
Communication Process Source- is known as the sender Message- idea being shared Medium- channel that connects the sender with the receiver of the message Receiver- get the message and draws meaning from it Feedback- the return channel from the receiver to the source
Written Communication 4 Types of Written Communication Letter Report Article Resume
Résumé Résumé – a written summary of an individuals education, experiences, and accomplishments. Parts of a Résumé 1. Title (Résumé) 2. Name/Address/Phone/Email 3. Objective 4. Education/Dates 5. Work Experience/Dates 6. Activities (school/community) 7. Special Skills 8. Hobbies/Interest 9. Honors/Awards 10. References 11. Date Prepared