Unit 5: Interaction function Page 72 1.- Interaction and coordination 2.- Sensory receptors 3.- The sense organs: sight, touch, smell, taste and hearing 4.- The health of the sense organs 5.- Components of the nervous system 6.- The nervous system 7.- Responses of the somatic nervous system 8.- The health of the nervous system. Healthy habits for the nervous system
How do we know? How do we face danger? Situations that can cause stress: being late for school, taking exams, hearing loud noises, and fighting with your brother or sister. The best ways of dealing with stress: practice relaxation, talk with someone, get more sleep, get organized
How to drink a cup of coffee safely!
The nervous pathway, page 72
Nervous system Both Endocrine system Information is transmitted by electrical impulses. processed in the CNS. Consists of glands that secrete hormones. Motor responses are carried out by muscles. Sensory responses are carried out by glands. Responses are short- lived. Motor neurons transmit the response to the effectors. Responses are slow, but long-lasting.
Glossary of unit 5, page 216,217 Axon Dendrites Effectors Interaction Nerve Nerve impulse Neuron Neurotransmitter
Glossary of unit 5, page 220 Receptor: A specialized cell or group of nerve endings that responds to sensory stimuli and converts the stimulus into an electrical impulse. Stimulus (plural stimuli) a detectable change in the internal or external environment that causes a response in an organism. Eye ball.. Globo ocular Page 88
Stimuli, sensitive to… Type of receptor Sense organ Located in… Headache Nociceptor Throughout the body, the skin
Stimuli, sensitive to… Type of receptor Sense organ Located in… Pain (Headache) Nociceptors (nociceptores) Throughout the body, the skin Chemical substances Chemoreceptors (Quimiorreceptores) Nose and tongue Touch, pressure,sound waves, gravity Mechanoreceptors (Mecanorreceptores) Skin Ears Bright sunshine Photoreceptors (Fotorreceptores) Eyes ( retina) Temperature change Thermoreceptors (Termorreceptores)
3.- The sense organs: sight
Accessory structures protect the eyes.
How the eyes work?
Accommodation: the ability of the eye to adjust its focal length
The lens becomes rounder to focus on things that are near and flatter to focus on things that are far
Activity Round-up. Page 88.Q. 1 (you have to add chemoreceptor and hot surface from an oven……… in the box) Voluntary: smell of food > brain > glandular effector > saliva production > muscle effector. Involuntary: thermoreceptor > spinal cord > remove the hand. Question 2. In your book
Activities about sense organs .- The________________and the__________________form the eye .- The innermost layer of the ocular globe is the_________________and it contains 2 types of photoreceptors cells:___________________and____________________ .- In order for sight to be adequate, the _________________regulates the quantity of light that enters the eye and the __________________ focuses images.
4 basic tastes
The sense or hearing
The sense of hearing, page 77
Question 3 from page 77 Pinna: captures sound waves and sends them to the auditory canal. Auditory canal: sends sounds to the eardrum. Eardrum: vibrates when it receives sound waves. Chain of bones: amplifies vibrations and sends them to cochlea. Cochlea: transforms vibrations into nerve impulses. Auditory nerve: carries the impulses to the brain.
The sense of Hearing, page 77
The anatomy of the ear
The anatomy of the ear
Components of the nervous system:
Types of neurons, page 80