TOPIC : BLOOD GROUP Presented by I. DEENA MUNEER BEGUM FINAL B.E Presented to Mr. Mohammed Yacin H.O.D ICE Department
BLOOD GROUPS blood groups, differentiation of blood by type, classified according to immunological (antigenic) properties, which are determined by specific substances on the surface of red blood cells. Blood groups are genetically determined and each is characterized by the presence of a specific complex carbohydrate. About 200 different blood group substances have been identified and placed within 19 known blood group systems. system is the ABO, or Landsteiner, system. Individuals may contain the A, B, or both A and B antigenic substances, or else lack these substances (type O). In the ABO system an individual who lacks one or more of these antigens will spontaneously develop the corresponding antibodies (agglutinins) shortly after birth. Thus a person with A type blood will naturally produce anti-B agglutinins, a person with B blood will produce anti-A agglutinins, and a person with O blood will produce anti-A and anti-B agglutinins; but a person with AB blood will not produce any agglutinins in this blood group system.
BLOOD GROUPS Since these agglutinins are always present in the blood, in blood transfusion the donor blood must be compatible with the recipient's blood, i.e., the donor's blood must not contain antigen corresponding to the recipient's antibody. Other blood group systems, such as the MNSs, Lewis, Lutheran, and P systems, are not as important in transfusion because they act like true antigen-antibody systems, i.e., antibodies do not appear in blood plasma until the individual has been immunized by exposure to the other blood group antigens as in previous transfusions. In general, blood group substances are weak antigens, and antibody formation after transfusion occurs less than 3% of the time. Immunization can occur by pregnancy as well as by transfusion
BLOOD GROUPS Thus, in the Rh factor blood group system, an Rh-negative mother carrying an Rh-positive fetus produces anti-Rh antibodies against fetal red blood cells that cross the placenta. Since blood type is a genetic trait that is easy to test and the blood type of an individual is related to his or her parent's blood types by the laws of Mendelism (see under Mendel, Gregor), blood group typing is used legally to establish paternity. Anthropologists use the frequency of occurrence of various blood groups as tools to study racial or tribal origins
BLOOD GROUPS Blood groups are created by molecules present on the surface of red blood cells (and often on other cells as well). The ABO blood groups were the first to be discovered (in 1900) and are the most important in assuring safe blood transfusions. The table shows the four ABO phenotypes ("blood groups") present in the human population and the genotypes that give rise to them When red blood cells carrying one or both antigens are exposed to the corresponding antibodies, they agglutinate; that is, clump together. People usually have antibodies against those red cell antigens that they lack.
BLOOD GROUPS The Rh System The critical principle to be followed is that transfused blood must not contain red cells that the recipient's antibodies can clump. Although theoretically it is possible to transfuse group O blood into any recipient, the antibodies in the donated plasma can damage the recipient's red cells. Thus all transfusions should be done with exactly-matched blood. The Rh System Rh antigens are also expressed on the surface of red blood cells. They are named for the rhesus monkey in which they were first discovered.
BLOOD GROUPS There are a number of Rh antigens (the most common is one designated D), and all produce red cells that are "Rh positive". About 15% of the population have no Rh antigens and thus are "Rh negative". The major importance of the Rh system for human health is to avoid the danger of Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus. During birth, there is often a leakage of the baby's red blood cells into the mother's circulation. If the baby is Rh positive (having inherited the trait from its father) and the mother Rh-negative, these red cells will cause her to develop antibodies against the Rh antigen. The antibodies, usually of the IgG class, do not cause any problems for that child, but can cross the placenta and attack the red cells of a subsequent Rh+ fetus. This destroys the red cells producing anemia and jaundice. The disease, called
BLOOD GROUPS What's Your Type? erythroblastosis fetalis or hemolytic disease of the newborn, may be so severe as to kill the fetus or even the newborn infant. It is an example of an antibody-mediated cytotoxicity disorder. What's Your Type?
BLOOD GROUPS In some ways, every person's blood is the same. But, when analyzed under a microscope, distinct differences are visible. In the early 20th century, an Austrian scientist named Karl Landsteiner classified blood according to those differences. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his achievements. Landsteiner observed two distinct chemical molecules present on the surface of the red blood cells. He labeled one molecule "A" and the other molecule "B." If the red blood cell had only "A" molecules on it, that blood was called type A. If the red blood cell had only "B" molecules on it, that blood was called type B. If the red blood cell had a mixture of both molecules, that blood was called type AB. If the red blood cell had neither molecule, that blood was called type O.
BLOOD GROUPS If two different blood types are mixed together, the blood cells may begin to clump together in the blood vessels, causing a potentially fatal situation. Therefore, it is important that blood types be matched before blood transfusions take place. In an emergency, type O blood can be given because it most likely to be accepted by all blood types. However, there is still a risk involved. A person with type A blood can donate blood to a person with type A or type AB. A person with type B blood can donate blood to a person with type B or type AB. A person with type AB blood can donate blood to a person with type AB only. A person with type O blood can donate to anyone.
BLOOD GROUPS A person with type A blood can receive blood from a person with type A or type O. A person with type B blood can receive blood from a person with type B or type O. A person with type AB blood can receive blood from anyone. A person with type O blood can receive blood from a person with type O only. Because of these patterns, a person with type O blood is said to be a universal donor. A person with type AB blood is said to be a universal receiver. In general, however, it is still best to mix blood of matching types and Rh factors.