The Birth of Imperialism 1890 – 1915 Chapter, 10 Section 1
Imperialism What is imperialism? When one nation dominates another socially, culturally, economically, or militarily.
Why Imperialism? Economic Factors Big Business – Many factories needed new supplies of natural resources. Big Business needed new markets (groups of people) to sell to. Japan – Commodore Matthew C. Perry and the US Navy forced the Japanese to start trading with the US. Hawaii - important producer of sugar and fruits, they were allowed favorable trade agreements with the US before they were a state. “The Banana Republics” – A derogatory term used to refer to some governments in which US businesses gained significant control of the government.
Nationalistic Factors – Nationalism is a great pride in one’s country and heritage.
European Expansion – Countries were competing in Africa and Asia for control of large empires Humanitarian Factors –bring education and Christianity to Africa and Asia.
Military Factors – Technological advances made European military forces far superior to that of native populations.
ALFRED T. MAHAN Writes “The Influence of Sea Power Upon History” Convinces the US we need a much stronger Navy!
The Great White Fleet The Fleets circumnavigation of the world showed that the US was now a Naval Power!
The Monroe Doctrine: James Monroe 1823; stated that the US would remain neutral in European affairs, and that the Western Hemisphere was no longer open to colonization by Europeans. We began to colonize other parts of the world.
The Closing Of the Frontier: By 1890, the vast majority of the American frontier had been settled, and the vast expanses of free land the drew people westward were no longer there.
Many people were worried that without the frontier, America would lose the national energy that it had while it pursued it’s Manifest Destiny
Social Darwinism and Racism: The native populations of Africa, Asia, South America and the South Pacific were incapable of governing themselves, or utilizing their natural resources properly.