How to make a speech
Structure of the debate
Prime Minister 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Defines the motion Outlines the case Leader of the Opposition Deputy Leader of the Opposition Member of the Opposition Opposition Whip Government Whip Member of the Government Deputy Leader of the Government Prime Minister Prime Minister Defines the motion Outlines the case Develops his arguments Summarizes the main points
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Leader of the Opposition Deputy Leader of the Opposition Member of the Opposition Opposition Whip Government Whip Member of the Government Deputy Leader of the Government Prime Minister LO, DPM, DLO, MG, MO Refutes the case of the other side Develops his arguments Summarizes the main points
Gov / Opp Whip 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Refutes the case of the other side Leader of the Opposition Deputy Leader of the Opposition Member of the Opposition Opposition Whip Government Whip Member of the Government Deputy Leader of the Government Prime Minister Gov / Opp Whip Refutes the case of the other side Supports the arguments introduced by his partner Summarizes the entire debate from the perspective of his side
Structure of the speech
Speech Opening statement Flagging arguments Rebuttal Plan & problem for PM Flagging arguments Rebuttal Except for PM Arguments / clash points Usually 2 or 3 Closing statement / Summary of arguments
Structure of the argument
THW ban alcohol Proposition 1.Protect citizens from harmful activities 2.Protect third parties from harm Opposition 1.Citizens’ rights 2.Black market 3.Cannot change thinking by banning 4.Economic harms
THW ban alcohol Statement Explanation Example Conclusion Prohibition would create an enormous black market Statement Explanation Alcohol is easy to produce Alcohol is engraved in the culture Ban would bring more deregulation and loss of taxes Example Illegal drugs Temporary bans in some countries (USA) Permanent bans (Saudi Arabia) Conclusion Plan will not solve the problem; moreover, it will make the problem worse
THW legalize drugs
THW legalize prostitution
THW go vegetarian
THBT university education should be free