Teachers Mentoring Teachers: The Gift of Peer Feedback
The Gift of Peer Feedback
Objectives Describe the elements of effective feedback Describe the TOP (Teaching Observation Program) process: Preparation, Observation/Evaluation and Feedback Observe/Evaluate a teaching session and compose feedback for a peer instructor Effectively deliver feedback to a peer instructor Promote a culture that includes peer feedback as an accepted and routine aspect of teaching
Workshop Materials http://tinyurl.com/PeerFeedbackWorkshop Agenda* Self-Assessment of Feedback Skills* – pre/post Observation forms* (x3 – lecture, small group, clinical) Reflection Exercise* Tips for TOP mentors Elements of Effective Feedback Challenges & Best Practices from UCSF AME TOP Mentors TOP Training Module User Guide (iCollaborative/ MedEdPORTAL) Posted on the CPL: http://tinyurl.com/PeerFeedbackWorkshop * = will use during workshop
Agenda Welcome, Introductions & Workshop Overview “Pre” Self Assessment of Feedback Skills Discussion: Elements of Effective Feedback Benefits of receiving feedback on our teaching Challenges of giving/receiving feedback
Agenda Practice Observation & Feedback Skills Watch teaching video clips & Complete observation forms Role-play feedback in pairs Watch feedback video clips & Discuss Develop list of Best Practices “Post” Self Assessment of Feedback Skills Wrap Up and Evaluation
Teaching Observation Program (TOP): Process
The Academy of Medical Educators TOP Mentor Training Module is available through the iCollaborative: https://www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/re source/672 Or directly through the UCSF public site: https://courses.ucsf.edu/course/view.php?id=1580 iCollaborative: https://www.mededportal.org/icollaborative/resource/672 UCSF public site: https://courses.ucsf.edu/course/view.php?id=1580
The Gift of Peer Feedback
Elements of Effective Feedback
Elements of Effective Feedback
Principles of FeedBack F – Formative E – Expectations/Explanation E – Ellicit Self Assessment D – Data/Diagnose B – Based on Specific Behavior A – Action, Agreed upon plan C – Clear, Credibility K – Keep in Touch Principles of FeedBack – Sandra Frazier MD, UAB
Benefits of receiving feedback 3. Discussion: Benefits and Challenges of giving/receiving peer feedback on teaching (If time, or very large group, break into pairs or small groups and brainstorm for 5’ ) Group discussion 10’
Benefits of receiving feedback
Challenges of Giving Feedback
Challenges of Giving Feedback
Feedback Reflection Exercise Was there feedback you feel would be important to convey to this instructor that was not addressed by the TOP mentor in this feedback video? What is one piece of feedback that was addressed by the TOP mentor that you had not considered? If you were the TOP mentor in this case, is there a feedback point that you would have addressed differently? Did you notice body language or other non-verbal communication from the TOP mentor that were effective? Not effective? What aspects of the TOP mentor’s feedback did you find most effective?
Best Practices for TOP Observers
Best Practices for TOP Observers
Become a TOP Observer! Contact CFE@ucsf.edu to be listed at “Trained” on the TOP portal Be observed and receive feedback on your own teaching Initiate a TOP request from the website http://meded.ucsf.edu/cfe/teaching-observation-program Observe an instructor and provide feedback Pair with someone from this workshop!
After this workshop, you should be able to: Describe the elements of effective feedback Describe the TOP (Teaching Observation Program) process: Preparation, Observation/Evaluation and Feedback Observe/Evaluate a teaching session and compose feedback for a peer instructor Effectively deliver feedback to a peer instructor Promote a culture that includes peer feedback as an accepted and routine aspect of teaching
Thank You!