CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) Beam H2 2017


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Presentation transcript:

CMS High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) Beam Tests @ H2 2017 D. Barney, CERN D. Barney, CERN, 31/03/17 H2/H4 Users Meeting

Main Goals Validation of overall design of CMS HGCAL for Endcap Calorimetry for CMS @ HL-LHC Physics performance of full-depth calorimeter (electromagnetic & hadronic) with nominal numbers of sampling layers and nominal detector technologies (silicon + scintillator/SiPM) Need 20 – 250 GeV electrons, pions, protons @ 100 Hz trigger rate, could have 2 Gbytes/minute Installing dedicated 10 Gbits/sec fibre from H2 to IT All results to be included in CMS HGCAL TDR, to be submitted November 2017 D. Barney, CERN, 31/03/17 H2/H4 Users Meeting

3 calorimeter parts to test, totaling ~14000 electronics channels Electromagnetic Calorimeter (EE) 28 layers of single 6” hexagonal silicon modules; 25 X0, ~1 l Front Hadronic Calorimeter (FH) 12 layers of multiple 6” hexagonal silicon modules, 3.5 l Back Hadronic Calorimeter (BH) 12 layers of scintillator with SiPMs, 5 l Will use modified CALICE AHCAL NEW ~Existing D. Barney, CERN, 31/03/17 H2/H4 Users Meeting

All detectors and main electronics on H2 10-tonne X-Y table FH 60 x 70 AHCAL 50 x 95 Readout Rack 3 crates Powering Rack LV & BV EE 100 x 60 Switches LV x 16 BV x 16 HDMI x 84 BV x 84 HDMI x 28 BV x 28 3m 2m scintillators Trigger Crate PC RJ45 x 32 D. Barney, CERN, 31/03/17 H2/H4 Users Meeting

Basic Schedule Period 1: 8-15 May Period 2: 31/May – 7 June 1-2 EE modules, full DAQ chain Period 2: 31/May – 7 June As many modules as possible for EE + FH Period 3: 12-19 July EE + FH + AHCAL Period 4?? Ideally another period later this year… D. Barney, CERN, 31/03/17 H2/H4 Users Meeting