Joint Consultative Forum Wednesday 26 February 2014
Regional Strategy Group for Special Education – terms of reference To promote consistency of approach across the 5 education and library boards. To monitor the introduction and implementation of all aspects of the Code of Practice (1998). To examine the recommendations of the Audit Report on Special Education and the Newcastle Report. To develop quality assurance and ‘best value’ measures for special education.
Regional Strategy Group Membership Education and Library Board Membership Assistant Senior Education Officers (Children and Young People’s Services) Principal Educational Psychologists Education and Training Inspectorate (Eti) Department of Education (Children’s Directorate)
Core Activities Assist the 5 boards to bring consistency to the implementation of a range of legislative and guidance requirements: Special Education Needs and Disability Order (2005) training and support for schools DE/DHSSPS Medical Guidance Training (2008) Outcomes arising from judicial reviews
Establishment of Regional Sub-groups Autistic Spectrum Disorder Specific Literacy Difficulties Social, Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment Speech and Language
Links with Other Statutory and Voluntary Agencies Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) Royal National Institute for the Deaf (RNID) Public Health Agency Health Trusts
Recent Work Reporting and monitoring framework for the Early Years (SEN) pilots. Development of CEET training in schools to support earlier assessment and interventions for children. Supporting leadership and management training for principals and SENCOs in mainstream schools. Commencement of work to enhance support and training for classroom assistants in specific areas of special educational need. Supporting pre-implementation tasks in relation to the review of special education.
Wider Context The 5 boards are still discrete legal entities with individual budgets and particular needs. Promotion of work that is consistent with establishment of ESA. Recognition of the continued need to have regional consistency, while cognisant of local differences. Need to focus more on outcomes associated with special needs support and resources.