3rd Grade Adventures September 11-15 Reading/Vocabulary MAUE September 11-15 Language Word of the week: Illustrate Skill: Parts of Speech Compare and Contrast Writing Word Study/Spelling active bargain gasp loyal resource sensitive struggle value vary wander Spelling Test will be on these words this week- Thursday, September 14th We will work on one set of words for two weeks- spelling the first week and definitions the second week. Reminders CANNED FOOD DRIVE- Sept.11 -15!!!! Hurricane Relief- note sent home- send items this week please! Make-up school pictures on Sept. 22 PLEASE have your child at school NO LATER than 7:20 each day. Reading/Vocabulary Decent- polite and honest Salutations- a way of greeting someone, like saying hello Plunge- to fall or jump down suddenly from a high place Gosling- a young goose Cautiously- carefully avoiding danger or risk Vague- not clearly stated or expressed Persuade- to cause to believe Boast- to brag on one’s own self We will be reading this book in class this week. ***We will have a test on Charlotte’s Web Chapters 1-7 this week*** REMEMBER: Quizlet is a great study tool – Search- MAUE 3rd Math and Science Math: Topic 3: Using place value to add and subtract Quiz on lessons 1-4 on Friday Multiplication Timed quiz on 0’s, 1’s and 10’s Friday