ENTERING THE COMPUTER LAB… Put your backpacks and other materials in designated area. Quietly bring ONLY paper/notebook and pencil/pen to your workstation when they are needed. Be seated and login. Read the board each day to check for important daily assignments/announcements. Go to Google Classroom if instructed to do so. Follow all student handbook rules. Be prepared for class with all needed materials, also be alert and ready to work. Respect others’ rights and properties. When present ALL assignments for ICT 1 must be completed in the school’s computer labs, unless otherwise instructed .
EXITING THE COMPUTER LAB… Log off your computer when you leave! 8th period will shutdown the computers.. Leave the workstation clean and in proper order. Place textbooks and handouts in assigned area. Remain in your assigned seat or area until prompted to leave class. After the bell rings, wait for the teacher to dismiss you. Push your chair in before leaving the computer lab. Please leave the room in a quiet and orderly manner.
LAB RULES Check your workstation at the beginning of class. Any problems or changes MUST be reported to the teacher at this time. Your workstation is expected to be neat and clean at all times. NO storage devices (CD’s, diskettes, jump drives) may be brought into the lab without teacher’s permission. food, drinks, candy, or gum are to be consumed outside of the lab. Hair brushes, combs, picks, cosmetics, perfume/cologne, lotion, etc. must be used outside of the computer lab. Remain at assigned station. No magnets are allowed in the lab. Courtesy and cooperation are expected with other students and teacher at all times.
Tardy Policy Students are expected to be at their assigned station before the tardy bell rings.
SCHOOL INTERNET POLICY Access to the Internet is made available to students of Petal Middle School. The goal is to promote educational excellence by facilitating research, resources sharing, innovation, and communication. The Internet is to be used in support of research and education consistent with the educational objectives of Petal Middle School and Petal School District.
COMPUTER / INTERNET USAGE RULES Students are allowed on the Internet for educational purposes with teacher’s permission. Students will use proper netiquette. Students are only allowed to type information into website, if instructed by the teacher. Students are to keep the computer settings that are setup by the teacher and technology staff. Students are to use the default desktop background. Students are to keep original icons on the desktop. Students will save ALL work to their “H” drive or to Google Classroom.
WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT… Make-up work is YOUR responsibility. Check Google Classroom each day for your assignments Lab work missed will be made up before school in one of the Computer Labs (place TBA). You must follow the lab procedures or your before school privileges will be terminated.
MATERIALS NEEDED FOR ICT 1: Folder or section in your binder designated for ICT1 Notebook paper Pencil/Pen (Please do not use pens that are red or fluorescent!) Positive attitude
Petal Middle School Mrs. Townsend’s ICT I Class 2017-2018 I look forward to a great year!