The course of HIV infection


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Presentation transcript:

The course of HIV infection The course of HIV infection. Initial infection by HIV can be accompanied by an acute viral syndrome, after which the disease enters a prolonged latency phase with no symptoms and no immunologic abnormality. During this time, viral antigen and antiviral antibody can be detected, but there is little viremia. Progression of the disease is characterized by a progressive fall in the CD4 T-cell level and the onset of overt immunodeficiency with AIDS-specific diseases (see Table 21-4). Source: LYMPHOPENIA AND IMMUNE DEFICIENCY, Hematology in Clinical Practice, 5e Citation: Hillman RS, Ault KA, Leporrier M, Rinder HM. Hematology in Clinical Practice, 5e; 2016 Available at: Accessed: November 14, 2017 Copyright © 2017 McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved