美国North Carolina大学Chapel Hill分校Prof. Leaf Huang报告


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美国North Carolina大学Chapel Hill分校Prof. Leaf Huang报告 Nanoparticle Delivery of Genes and siRNA to the Tumor and the Liver 主讲人:Prof. Leaf Huang 邀请人:申有青 教授(生物纳米工程中心) Leaf Huang, Ph.D. Fred Eshelman Distinguished Professor and Chair Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics Eshelman School of Pharmacy Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 报告摘要:Previous designs of nanoparticle (NP) for gene and siRNA delivery mainly depended on charge-charge interaction between the cationic polymer or lipid with the anionic nucleic acid. Although the entrapment efficiency of this type of NP was nearly 100% and the NP could be taken up by the target cells efficiently, the nucleic acid cargo release inside the target cells was inefficient. Our novel NP contains a calcium phosphate (CaP) core wrapped by a single lipid bilayer. It is called Lipid/Calcium/Phosphate or LCP. Intracellular release of both genes and siRNA delivered by LCP was much improved because of the acid sensitivity of CaP. The application of LCP in delivering genes and siRNA has been demonstrated in both tumor and liver models. Its comparison to other NP systems will be discussed. 报告时间:11月1号(星期二)上午10:00 报告地点:玉泉校区邵科馆212