CEI Communication strategy Notes Eva Rolečková, CEI Spokesperson
Link to the strategic plan Aim A.3 increase of public awareness about controlled subjects and emergency of environmental protection Subaim A.3.1 – Proposal of subparts - increase of cooperation with public - communication with media - active acquainting of the CEI activity to the public Notes
Present situation I Cooperation with the public settlement of complaints providing information according to Acts n. 106/9 and 123/98 communication with NGOs a private companies discussion web pages (www.cizp.cz) communication with journalists Notes
Present situation II Communication with the media press conferences press releases answering the media´s questions presentations in media oriented on education presentations in investigative and discussion programmes CEI produced articles Notes
Present situation III Active acquainting of the CEI activity to the public CEI office boards CEI web pages prints (leaflets) for public information educational programmes in the media consultancy and lectures presentations at events organised by NGOs and private companies Notes
Strategy for the future Principles every information that is not confidential according to the acts in force shall be accessible for public increase public comfort by displaying the information without being asked Notes
Strategy for the future I Cooperation with the public seek the CEI internal spaces for improvement seek possibilities of communication with NGOs increase the quality of operative exchange of information on the web develop communication skills of inspectors (as a part of their preparation for the position) control the level of both clarity and utility of information Notes
Strategy for the future II Communication with the media seek topics for operative publishing among CEI activities intensive preparation of designed CEI officers in media communication good use of CEI made articles and press releases accept participation in educational programmes Notes
Strategy for the future III Active acquainting of the CEI activity to the public amendments of tasks of heads of departments editorial board of web pages publish the report about compliance with the EU Minimum criteria on the web place the issue on the agenda of the Management meeting innovation of the Annual Report structure preparation of leaflets and publications about CEI support to the lecturing activities of inspectors Notes