Welcome to Back-To-School Night with Miss Yoviene a.k.a. Miss Yo 3rd Grade Room 37
About Miss Yo Originally from the Eastern Shore of Maryland Attended Robert Morris University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Played Division I lacrosse Earned my Bachelors Degree with a dual certification in Early Childhood and Special Education, with a minor in Psychology Have additional teaching experience in 4th grade at Avonworth Elementary in Pittsburgh and in 2nd grade at Bucklands Beach Primary in New Zealand This is my second year at NLE!
Now on to the Good Stuff… Attendance SOL Testing Daily Agendas Conferences Classroom Management/Rules Transportation Snack/Lunch 7 Habits Birthdays Curriculum Outline Class Parties Pathways to Reading and Writing Program Communication Parent Homework ‘Homework’ Policy BYOT Phoenix Grade Book Grading
Attendance School begins promptly at 7:50am Dismissal is at 2:30 Arrival after the 7:50 bell is considered late Dismissal is at 2:30 Walkers/Car riders/Daycare leave at 2:35 1st load bus riders leave at 2:37 2nd load bus riders leave at 2:45 Please let me know in advance if your child will be absent for an extended period of time Make-up work will be provided for students after a student returns to school after an absence I’m flexible… students will always have plenty of time to complete make-up assignments
Daily Agendas Very important! Assignments are written daily Students should take it home every day Please check in with your child and be sure to sign it every day/night
Classroom Management/Rules Positive reinforcement: rewarding good behavior Full jar of fuzzies = class reward Blurt Chart = individual reward Tickets = earned for Friday prize drawings Dojo = earn points both individual and class Expectations of classroom behavior have been set early on Students and I have created a class contract to sign, date, and hang in the classroom for this school year
7 Habits of happy kids Implementing to assist in the development of happy kids in and out of the classroom Create leaders and well rounded kids
Curriculum Outline 9 week plans on 3rd grade website Differentiated instruction Student-centered, always Math Flexible grouping according to student needs with common unit assessments/topics across grade level Reading/Language Arts Pathways to Reading and Writing Science and Social Studies Rotating units Five Ponds Press
Pathways to Reading and Writing Program Reading workshop Mini lesson Independent reading Strategy/Reading groups and Conferencing Share time Shared reading Read aloud Writing workshop Word study New words are written in agendas each week No word study homework, just study for tests on Fridays
‘Homework’ Policy PLEASE check and sign your child’s agenda’s when they come home each day/night Homework folders Homework will be posted on my website everyday My website will be updated daily Study guides, test notifications Vacation information No work sent prior to vacation Thursday folders Tests and quizzes to be signed and returned Reading and/or math ‘homework’ daily RazKids Reflex
BYOT Newton-Lee is BYOT! Still working towards integration In your packets, please be sure to read the TWO colored forms First form: Permission to use/access internet and web based using school technology Second form: Statement in the box at the top asking everyone to read the Student Rights and Responsibilities page in the handbook regarding BYOT! Don’t forget about the Media Release form at the bottom
Phoenix Grade Book All teachers will continue to use the Phoenix Grade Book to enter your child’s grades Parents AND students will have access to these grades via separate Portals ParentVUE StudentVUE These portals give near immediate access to new grades, information about assignments, attendance, class schedules, graduation/completion status, and more ParentVUE offers a single sign on for parents with more than one child attending NLES, regardless of grade or school of attendance
Grading Scores will be based on a 4 point scale Differentiates between mastery of skill and going above and beyond NO percentages given Report cards will give letter grades based on points earned throughout the quarter Grades will be updated, regularly Thursday folders will include completed/graded work, some to be returned
SOL Testing Given primarily at the end of the year Math- 2 days Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) Math- 2 days Reading- 2 days Science- Performance Task Assessments Example: Design your own ecosystem. Include habits, animals, write about it, draw it, make it Social Studies- Performance Task Assessments Example: Pretend you’re a Molly trader. What goods would you trade, where would you go, where could you buy/sell/smuggle, etc. Bench Mark Assessments I-Test Given once a quarter Results are used for strategy work and instructional purposes
Conferences Please refer to my website for information about conferences Sign Up Genius I will also send out reminders to sign up/attend
Transportation Students are required to go home from school each day, as indicated at the beginning of the school year If transportation should change, ever, PLEASE send in a note with your child in the morning or for last minute changes, call or send an email and CC Angela Ferrer to ensure that the notice was received
Snack/Lunch 3rd grade will have a working snack before lunch Please pack your child ONE healthy, small snack Water bottles are permitted, must be labeled Our lunch block is 11:10-11:40 Our ice cream day is every Wednesday For lunch orders, please send lunch money in a zipped baggy with your child’s name and lunch number on it or pay online through the NLE web page You are more than welcome to join your child for lunch, but please send in a note before hand!
NUT FREE/ ALLERGY AWARE Room 37 is a NUT FREE/ ALLERGY AWARE classroom!! Please understand that many of our students have severe nut/peanut related allergies. For the protection of ALL of our students, we ask that you please refrain from packing/bringing/sending ANYTHING nut related to school with your child.
Birthdays Please refer to the student handbook regarding birthday celebrations… Food and treat items should NOT be brought into school to celebrate Birthday party invitations are NOT to be passed out in school
Class Parties Fall Festival Winter Celebration End of the Year Please sign up via the volunteer sheet if you’d like to help out with any of these!
Communication email: kristin.yoviene@lcps.org Please be involved! Reference the 3rd grade page website for homework, updates, study guides, etc. Check my website, daily Contact me, ANYTIME! email: kristin.yoviene@lcps.org school phone: 571-252-1535 website link: http://www.lcps.org/Page/178155
Let’s make it a GREAT year! Parent homework Please use the laptops in the back to fill out the “parent contact” page Sign up to volunteer in our classroom Enroll in a volunteer session if you’ve never volunteered before Check out our classroom Wish List on the board Go to my website to sign up for a fall conference Sign up on PT Board via NLE website Please take your BTSN packet home with you, along with the additional forms, to sign and return to me, as soon as possible THANK YOU FOR COMING! Let’s make it a GREAT year!