Finally 12 Quiz Zora’s Exploration
c. See a Movie With her Friends (No Parents) Rory Swenson is in sixth grade and she just turned twelve. She has a whole list of 12 things she wants to do. What is her on her list? a. Get to Babysit b. Get a New Bike c. See a Movie With her Friends (No Parents)
a. Amanda b. Annabelle c. Scarlet d. Elena e. Penny Who is her best friend? a. Amanda b. Annabelle c. Scarlet d. Elena e. Penny
a. Turtle b. Dog c. Bunny d. Pigeon e. Old Cat What pet did she have? a. Turtle b. Dog c. Bunny d. Pigeon e. Old Cat
What does Rory love to do? a. Go on long walks b. Read c. Swim
What famous person does she want to meet? a. Jake Harrison b. Dawson Adams c. Henry Love
Does Rory have any siblings? a. No, she is an only child b. Big Sister c. Little Brother d. Little Sister
What is Rory allergic too? a. Gold b. Plums c. All types of flowers