Journal of Vision. 2008;8(1):1. doi: /8.1.1 Figure Legend:


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Presentation transcript:

From: Face adaptation does not improve performance on search or discrimination tasks Journal of Vision. 2008;8(1):1. doi:10.1167/8.1.1 Figure Legend: Experiment 1 procedure and predictions. The four face categories are represented in each panel: MA, MC, FA, and FC faces in the top left, top right, bottom left, and bottom right, respectively. For all conditions, a single example is described in which subjects were first adapted to MA faces (blue circle). Jointly tuned (dashed circles) and singly tuned (dashed ovals) mechanisms that would be expected to be adapted during the task are shown. (A) Local adaptation for singly tuned mechanisms. Subjects discriminated the ethnicity of A/C male morphs. Mechanisms selective for Asian faces would be adapted (black dashed oval) while mechanisms selective for Caucasian faces would remain unadapted. We predict adaptation effects (blue arrow) whereby male faces appear more Caucasian. (B) Local adaptation for jointly tuned mechanisms. Mechanisms selective for MA faces would be adapted while mechanisms selective for MC faces would be unadapted; thus, we again predict an adaptation effect. (C) Remote adaptation for singly tuned mechanisms. Subjects discriminated the ethnicity of A/C female morphs. The adapted singly tuned mechanism is unselective for gender; however, adaptation would transfer to ethnicity discriminations of female faces. (D) Remote adaptation for jointly tuned mechanisms. Both mechanisms selective for FA and FC mediating the ethnicity discrimination are unadapted; thus, we predict no net effect (black line). (E) Contingent adaptation for singly tuned mechanisms. Subjects were adapted to MA and FC faces. Subjects then made ethnicity discriminations on A/C male morphs and A/C female morphs. Singly tuned mechanisms selective for both Asian and Caucasian faces would be adapted, resulting in no net effect. (F) Contingent adaptation for jointly tuned mechanisms. Mechanisms selective for FA and MC faces would remain unadapted, resulting in an adaptation effect. Date of download: 11/14/2017 The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Copyright © 2017. All rights reserved.