Specific Small Broad Large Taxon
Example Human Cougar Tiger Pintail Duck Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia Aves Order Primate Carnivora Anseriformes Family Homindae Felidae Anatidae Genus Homo Felis Panthera Anas Species sapiens concolor tigris acuta
What is a cladogram? A cladogram is a diagram used in cladistics which shows relations among organisms.
Dichotomous Keys A dichotomous key is a written set of choices that leads to the name of an organism. Scientists use these to identify unknown organisms.
Dichotomous Key for Unknown Animals 1. A. Animal is mainly water-dwelling Go to statement 2 B. Animal is mainly land-dwelling Go to statement 3 2. A. Animal has a shell Great-Logger Turtle B. Animal has no shell Manatee 3. A. Main color of the animal is gray Go to statement 4 B. Main color of the animal is not gray Go to statement 6 4. A. Animal has a long, trunk-like nose Elephant B. Animal has a short nose Go to statement 5 5. A. Animal has long ears Rabbit B. Animal has short ears Koala Bear 6. A. The main color is black Go to statement 7 B. The main color is white Polar Bear 7. A. Animal has a pointed face Black Bear B. Animal has a flat face Chimpanzee
Dichotomous Key for Unknown Animals 1. A. Animal is mainly water-dwelling Go to statement 2 B. Animal is mainly land-dwelling Go to statement 3 2. A. Animal has a shell Great-Logger Turtle B. Animal has no shell Manatee 3. A. Main color of the animal is gray Go to statement 4 B. Main color of the animal is not gray Go to statement 6 4. A. Animal has a long, trunk-like nose Elephant B. Animal has a short nose Go to statement 5 5. A. Animal has long ears Rabbit B. Animal has short ears Koala Bear 6. A. The main color is black Go to statement 7 B. The main color is white Polar Bear 7. A. Animal has a pointed face Black Bear B. Animal has a flat face Chimpanzee
Classification: Using a Dichotomous Key Hummingbird Classification: Using a Dichotomous Key Bat Giraffe Frog Beaver Grizzly Bear Moose Robin Mallard Duck Bison Sheep kangaroo Rabbit Owl Polar Bear Seal Raccoon Lynx Koala Bear Snake Zebra
Dichotomous Key for Unknown Animals 1. A. Animal is mainly water-dwelling Go to statement 2 B. Animal is mainly land-dwelling Go to statement 3 2. A. Animal has a shell Great-Logger Turtle B. Animal has no shell Manatee 3. A. Main color of the animal is gray Go to statement 4 B. Main color of the animal is not gray Go to statement 6 4. A. Animal has a long, trunk-like nose Elephant B. Animal has a short nose Go to statement 5 5. A. Animal has long ears Rabbit B. Animal has short ears Koala Bear 6. A. The main color is black Go to statement 7 B. The main color is white Polar Bear 7. A. Animal has a pointed face Black Bear B. Animal has a flat face Chimpanzee