The Effect of Biochar on the growth of Quercus serrata and


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Presentation transcript:

The Effect of Biochar on the growth of Quercus serrata and Prunus sargentii seedlings in a containerized seedling production system Byung Bae Park1, Si Ho Han1, Afroja Rahman1*, Loth Meng1, Ji- Hye Song1, Youngtak Ko1, Min Seok Cho2 (1Department of Environment and Forest Resources, Chungnam National University, 2Forest Practice Research Center, National Institute of Forest Science) Introduction Results Growth pattern for Quercus serrata Biochar is a kind of charcoal produced under high temperatures using crop residues, animal manure, or any type of organic waste material (Kelsi, 2010). It has been used to improve soil properties for producing high quality seedlings. Soil addition, it can help to push the soil health with positive benefits to plant seedling growth and disease resistance. But the biomaterials and pyrolysis temperature have great influences on the physical and chemical characteristics of biochar. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of different types of biochar Quercus serrata and Prunus sargentii seedling growth in containerized system. Table 3. Height of Quercus serrata Height of Quercus serrata(cm) Types of Biochar 50% fertilization 100% fertilization Jun Jul Aug Sep Control 15.32 17.89 18.51 19.17 16.11 17.46 18.13 18.76 White charcoal 9.86 11.92 12.66 12.58 8.36 10.56 11.91 11.66 Black charcoal 12.31 15.16 15.85 17.18 12.76 14.49 15.08 15.46 Bamboo 11.20 14.83 15.43 15.88 10.62 13.00 13.46 14.57 Methods and Materials Fig 6. Height of Quercus serrata Height is higher in control and black charcoal in both fertilization Study Area Table 4. Root collar diameter of Quercus serrata - Green house in Chungnam National University. - Mean temperature 13.8 oC - Mean humidity 67.7%. RCD of Quercus serrata(mm) Types of Biochar 50% fertilization 100% fertilization Jun Jul Aug Sep Control 1.63 2.23 2.68 2.95 1.66 2.20 2.60 3.01 White charcoal 1.50 1.89 2.28 2.52 1.76 2.04 Black charcoal 1.71 2.30 2.71 3.02 1.58 2.06 2.44 2.85 Bamboo 2.19 2.89 1.39 1.88 2.32 2.63 Fig 1. Green house’s at Chungnam National University Species Species: Quercus serrata Prunus sargentii - Pot description : 31x40 cm, 400ml, 20 holes Fig 7. RCD of Quercus serrata For RCD, control and black charcoal was higher in both fertilization Fig 2. Quercus serrata Fig 3. Prunus sargentii Treatments Table 5. Dry weight of Quercus serrata Control, White charcoal, Black charcoal, Bamboo biochar Fertilization : 2 levels of fertilization - 0.5g/L (50%), 1 g/L(100%), Once a week - Watering- Watering was done everyday automatically Dry weight of Quercus serrata (g/tree) Types of biochar 50% fertilization 100% fertilization Leaf Stem Root Control 4.27 4.18 5.37 4.22 4.17 5.30 White charcoal 3.99 4.02 4.72 3.80 3.82 4.75 Black charcoal 5.21 3.95 4.14 4.91 Bamboo 4.06 5.04 3.84 3.88 4.82 Biochar White Charcoal Black Charcoal Bamboo Charcoal Fig 8. Dry weight of Quercus serrata Dry weight of Quercus serrata also higher in control and black charcoal Growth pattern for Prunus sargentii Table 6. Height of Prunus sargentii Height of Prunus sargentii (cm) Types of Biochar 50% fertilization 100% fertilization Jun Jul Aug Sep Control 21.47 25.42 26.41 26.36 20.46 26.34 27.33 27.46 White charcoal 12.09 17.49 18.38 18.93 12.43 20.94 21.88 22.01 Black charcoal 19.36 23.97 24.91 24.67 17.47 23.84 24.81 24.53 Bamboo 16.30 19.18 20.04 19.94 17.20 20.87 21.93 22.29 Species: Oak tree Temp : >1200 oC Species: Oak tree Temp : 700- 800 oC Species: Bamboo Temp : >1000 oC Fig 4. Different biochar Fig 9. Height of Prunus sargentii Height was higher in control and black charcoal in 100% than 50% fertilization Table 7. Root collar diameter of prunus sargentii RCD of Prunus sargentii (mm) Types of Biochar 50% fertilization 100% fertilization Jun Jul Aug Sep Control 1.51 2.76 3.60 4.03 1.56 2.75 3.48 3.91 White charcoal 1.38 2.57 3.47 4.06 1.35 2.53 3.56 4.39 Black charcoal 1.58 2.93 3.78 4.22 1.48 3.04 3.92 4.42 Bamboo 1.42 2.60 3.40 3.88 1.36 2.73 3.58 Fig 5. Mixing fertilization Fig 6. Automatic watering system Measurements - Root collar diameter : measured from 1cm above the soil - Height: from upper soil to end of leaf - Dry weight: separated to leaf, stem and root (washed in water) Fig 10. RCD of Prunus sargentii Fig 5. Measurement of Root collar diameter and height (left)and washing root (right) RCD was higher in control and black charcoal in 100% than 50% fertilization Table 1. Properties of Fertilization(MultiFeed20) Table 2. Chemical Properties of treatments Elements Concentrations Macro nutrients (%) Total N 20 Nitrate N 6 Ammonium N 4 Ureic N 10 Phosphorus(P2O5) Potassium(K2O) Table 7. Root collar diameter of prunus sargentii  Treatment OM% Chemical Properties Total N % P mg/Kg Cation (cmolc kg-1) K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ Control Soil 40.31 0.27 0.43 9.07 6.41  White charcoal  598.22 0.39   9.18  0.40  0.88  Black  36.62  0.44  3.73  3.57  Bamboo  31.32  0.36  0.57  1.98  0.17 Dry weight of Prunus sargentii (g/tree) Types of biochar Half fertilization Standard fertilization Leaf Stem Root Control 4.30 4.62 5.73 4.45 4.71 5.55 White charcoal 4.43 4.41 5.58 4.64 4.57 5.97 Black charcoal 4.36 4.63 5.96 4.54 4.75 Bamboo 4.44 5.79 4.46 4.59 5.63 Fig 11. Dry weight of Prunus sargentii - Dry weight was higher in black charcoal in 100% fertilization