What is man that You are mindful of him? God’s greatness and majesty causes us to wonder why He would care about man. But He has created us a little lower than the angels, and placed us over the works of His hands for an eternal purpose --- that we might know Him and spend eternity with Him. Psalm 8 Psalm 40:5 Psalm 106:4
The Greatness of God “When I consider your heavens…” God’s name is “excellent in all the earth” (cf. Psalm 19:1) God’s majesty is seen in His creation. (Hebrews 11:3; 1:3) Psalm 33:8-9 -- “All the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him…”
Man in Relation to the Angels “You have made him a little lower…” God has done this! (Romans 9:20) The position of angels: Greater in power and might than man (2 Peter 2:11; 2 Thess. 1:7; Psalm 103:20-21) They were sent to minister on our behalf (Hebrews 1:4; Isaiah 63:9) They are concerned with our salvation (1 Peter 1:12; Luke 15:10)
Man’s Place in God’s Creation “Dominion over the works of His hands” Man is God’s special creation (Genesis 1:26; Psalm 8:6; Matthew 6:26) Our likeness to God’s image is spiritual God is an eternal spirit, and He has put both spirit and eternity in man (John 4:24; Ecclesiastes 3:11; Job 32:8) We are capable of having a spiritual relationship with God (Acts 17:26-30; Jn.17:3)
“At Eternity’s Gate” by Vincent Van Gogh "…it seems to me that one of the strongest pieces of evidence for … the existence of a God and an eternity, is the unutterably moving quality that there can be in the expression of an old man like that... [there is] something precious, something noble, that can’t be meant for the worms. The poorest woodcutter, heath farmer or miner can have moments … that give him a sense of an eternal home that he is close to."