Six States of Man
Which state do you live in? Can you name them all?
Today we don’t want to discuss physical geography but rather spiritual geography.
What is your spiritual state?
The State of Innocence
State of Sin
In Christ
Eternity has two divisions Eternity has two divisions. What state you are in at death will determine eternal destiny.
Richman man and Lazarus illustrate both conditions of eternity.
We are all in this state today because we are alive.
What physical state we are in when we die does not matter…What matters is our spiritual state. Where are you today in the sight of God? If you are in the state of innocence or in Christ you will be saved. If you a sinner or in the state of apostasy you will be lost? Only you know your state and only you can change it.
What state will you be in when the books are opened?