District Trophies and Awards Arun Bhargava Governor’s Principal Aid (2016-17)
What are District Trophies and Awards
What are District Trophies and Awards These are Recognitions instituted by district, clubs or individual Rotarians to honor a specific area of service As per our RID 3141 Bylaws a New trophy, for new areas of Service, can be instituted on payment of Rs. 1.5 Lacs. Can be named after or in memory of a Rotarian only District Trophies and Awards are special recognitions awarded to a club, (beyond RI Presidential Citation and Governor’s Citation), to recognize highest achievements attained by a club in a particular area of service
Why Should You apply for it Having worked all through the Year, very hard, contributing one’s time and money, it is important to motivate and rejuvenate the members of the club, by sharing the joy of knowing that you have done the best.
How many Trophies are there? A – ALL ROUND ACTIVITIES – 5 Awards B - CLUB SERVICE – 21 Awards C - COMMUNITY SERVICE – 21 Awards D - INTERNATIONAL SERVICE – 16 Awards E - VOCATIONAL SERVICE – 4 Awards F - SERVICE TO YOUTH – 4 Awards G – SPORTS – 3 Award
Where do you find Award Details?
Where do you find Details? IN DISTRICT DIRECTORY
When to Apply for These Awards
Last Date for District Trophies’ Applications: 31st July 2017 When to Apply for These Awards Last Date for District Trophies’ Applications: 31st July 2017
Application Procedure Presidents will receive Email containing list of awards and application form in word format. Duly filled applications will be certified by President / Secretary and Assistant Governor Email them to designated Dist. Secretary / DG before due date.
Application Form for District Trophies Pratham Year (2016-17) RID 3141 1. Name of Rotary Club _____________________________________________ 2. Name of President (2016-17) _______________________________________ 3. Membership of the club as on 1st July 2016 ____ 1st July 2017---------- 4. District Trophy No. (Example: A1or B2 or D3) ---------------------- - Separate Application for each Trophy)---------------- 5. Description of District Trophy Applied for (Pt. No. 4 here above) --------------------------------------------
Application Form (Continued) 14. Feedback from Beneficiaries (You may attach their letters):_____________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 15. Any other Observations: _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT SIGNATURE OF AG TO THE CLUB
THANK YOU Arun Bhargava Governor’s Principal Aid (2016-17)