P-E-G-A-C-E Performance for CY 2013 Total Output / % Accomplishment Profiled for TVET 18,441 (124%) Graduates in TVET 63,213 (102%) Certified Persons 35,730 (108%) Enrolled in TVET 67,910 (104%) Assessed Persons 39,099 (105%) Employed TVET Graduates 42,460 (152%)
Pasay-Makati TVET Performance Scorecard 2009 - 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 Total Trained, All delivery modes 38,347 31,555 23,774 46,819 63,213 (35% increase) School-based 36,601 23,855 17,737 34,520 47,835 (39% increase) Community-based 1,687 7,416 5,641 11,887 15,227 (28% increase) Enterprise-based (Apprenticeship) 147 531 396 412 678 (64% increase)
Assessment & Certification 2013 Comparative Certification Ave. Rates: 2011 – 92% 2012 – 87% 2013 – 91%
Pasay-Makati TVET Performance Scorecard 2009 - 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 Assessed 37,673 36,311 34,000 47,048 39,099 (-17% decrease) Certified 37,100 35,655 31,214 40,856 35,730 (-13% decrease) Certification Rate 98.48% 98.19% 91.81% 86.84% 91.38% Highest in NCR and nationwide Highest in NCR and nation wide 3rd Highest in NCR Lowest in NCR 2nd Lowest in NCR (5% increase) Very high certification rate loses the integrity, reliability and value of the qualification/worker we are certifying . . .
Employment Ratios (Emp/Grad) 2013 Recorded Yearly Ave. Employment/Graduates Rates: 2011 – 66%; 2012- 63% 2013 – 67%
Pasay-Makati TVET Performance Scorecard 2009 - 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 Employed 1691 16,986 15,684 26,401 42,460 (61% increase) Rate of Employment over total trained 4.4% 54% 66% 63% 67% (4% increase) Employment or employability is still the best metric of performance for any TVET investment. . .