creating a culture of trust


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Presentation transcript:

creating a culture of trust a leadership practicum creating a culture of trust

Pollyanna PIXTON Co-Founder, Accelinnova President, Evolutionary Systems Director, Institute of Collaborative Leadership Pollyanna PIXTON 2

lack of trust price tags building cultures that foster trust team to team trust

make people trust each other?

how leaders can help

Trust how do you define trust?

Start Up who do you trust? how did it develop? Exercise: Pick a project. who do you trust? how did it develop? This is for the class to ponder while we do this module.

what does a team without trust look like?

Lack of Trust Price Tag?

transaction costs Transaction Costs

self protection

repair broken trust?

other price tags?

the data… The 100 Best Places to Work

trust companies double performance over S&P for 10 years. high trust companies out perform low trust companies by 43% A recent Watson Wyatt study showed that high trust organizations outperformed low trust companies by nearly 300%. From “The High Cost of Low Trust,” by Steven Covey.

how can leaders help teams build Trust? Project Management how can leaders help teams build Trust? Change Management

Trustworthiness “Get Trustworthy People”

Trustworthiness how often does that happen?

Can these people work together?

broken Trust?

Or …

trust Not built ? Build Trust?

assess the team

who talks to whom? who listens? 24

Start Up broken trust with a person on the team Exercise: Pick a project. broken trust with a person on the team

get the right people on the bus in the right seats. - Jim Collins Good To Great 26

get the wrong people off the bus. 27

is the next bus stop theirs? 28

Start Up Exercise: Pick a project. does the team need this person ? 29

the “vacation test”

build an Island? Island… 31

Project Management integrate? How Do We Deliver? 32

Unleashing Innovation create a Culture of trust Collaboration Process

Project Management remove debilitating Fear Dependency Management

in collaboration, people fear … - Warren Bennis Beyond Bureaucracy

losing identity

losing intellectual mastery

losing individualism

what do people fear ?

fostering trust

advance each other’s intentions and interests don’t impede them

be proactive in moving work forward

create transparency

honest and open communication Project Management honest and open communication Focus, Communication, and Expectation Management

share experiences Build the right product 45

team to team trust…

“a mega team”

validate others

accept risks collectively

team based measurements Leading Agile team based measurements Collaboration Model Collaboration Process

people do what they are measured by measure results

teams evaluate let themselves Teams do not have to share results with the leaders. From Israel Gat who stated this was the most effective tool to help struggling agile teams.

build confidence

short goals … early wins Ask the team to set a short goal that involved all the team.

celebrate success ! Collaboration Model

leadership role ?


purpose over personal agenda - Jim Collins Good To Great

Project Management Trustworthy How Do We Deliver?

stay Positive

Stay Positive Focus on magnifying a person’s strengths rather than remedying weaknesses. - Peter Drucker

protect team Boundaries

continuous feedback

be transparent

share information

no hidden agendas

ensure fairness


lack of trust price tags building cultures that foster trust team to team trust

read more… companies with cultures of trust: Build Trust? Cisco Systems Google SAS Texas Instruments eBay Intuit Adobe articles at or at Build Trust?