English Communication III English Seminar II English Communication III Week Two
Today’s plan Warm-up chat CLT quiz Authentic texts Lesson using CLT
Warm-up Pair chat What did you do on the weekend?
Please think back to last week’s lesson. English Seminar II Revision Quiz Please think back to last week’s lesson. Write the answer to these questions. We’ll check your answers at the end. There are 10 questions.
English Seminar II Quiz 1. What does CLT stand for?
2. Why was CLT first developed? English Seminar II Quiz 2. Why was CLT first developed?
English Seminar II Quiz 3. What is the aim of CLT?
4. What is the method used in CLT? English Seminar II Quiz 4. What is the method used in CLT?
English Seminar II Quiz 5. Where do I come from?
CLT means that grammar is not important. English Seminar II Quiz 6. True or False. CLT means that grammar is not important.
7. What is your major assessment in this course? English Seminar II Quiz 7. What is your major assessment in this course?
The teacher is not important in a CLT classroom English Seminar II Quiz 8. True or False The teacher is not important in a CLT classroom
English Seminar II Quiz 9. What does my name mean?
10. What might a CLT classroom look like? English Seminar II Quiz 10. What might a CLT classroom look like?
Communicative Language Teaching English Seminar II Quiz What does CLT stand for? Communicative Language Teaching
2. Why was CLT first developed? English Seminar II Quiz 2. Why was CLT first developed? Because language learning in Europe was focused on grammar, learners lacked skill in communicating with others
English Seminar II Quiz 3. What is the aim of CLT? Communication
4. What is the method used in CLT? Communication English Seminar II Quiz 4. What is the method used in CLT? Communication
English Seminar II Quiz 5. Where do I come from? Australia
CLT means that grammar is not important. English Seminar II Quiz 6. True or False. CLT means that grammar is not important. False. It is important. But students practice grammar through communication (not drills).
7. What is your major assessment in this course? English Seminar II Quiz 7. What is your major assessment in this course? In-class discussions, and Teaching a lesson using CLT
The teacher is not important in a CLT classroom English Seminar II Quiz 8. True or False The teacher is not important in a CLT classroom False. The teacher is important, but they are not at the centre of the learning
Shannon – a river in Ireland English Seminar II Quiz 9. What does my name mean? Shannon – a river in Ireland
10. What might a CLT classroom look like? English Seminar II Quiz 10. What might a CLT classroom look like? Students facing each other Students talking Students doing
Authentic texts An important feature of CLT methodology is the use of authentic texts. What do you think an authentic text is?
Authentic texts An authentic text is information that is written by native speakers and for native speakers. A text can take many forms. It can be written or visual.
Magazine advertisement Authentic texts Written texts Audio-Visual texts Novel Newspaper article Comic book Train timetable Menu Cereal box Song lyrics etc. TV program TV Commercial Billboard Magazine advertisement TED talk Presentation Real conversation
Authentic texts Authentic texts are important because sometimes textbooks can be unnatural. Textbooks are good to teach us correct grammar, but in everyday conversation we rarely speak in perfect sentences, and we often ignore grammar rules.
Topic: Identity and race in Japan Please look at the lesson plan English Seminar II CLT Lesson Aim: For students to practice their English communication skills while learning about and discussing a current topic Topic: Identity and race in Japan Please look at the lesson plan
Look at the survey and take turns to read each item. English Seminar II Who is Japanese? Look at the survey and take turns to read each item. Rate your personal opinion from strongly agree to strongly disagree. Share your answers with your class and discuss.
Group discussion Assessment English Seminar II Some facts about Australia Australia has a population of around 23 million people A little about the history … 25% of Australians were born overseas 43% of Australians had a parent born overseas One of the most multicultural countries in the world
Group discussion Assessment English Seminar II In Australia, due to its unique culture and history, birthplace is not aligned so closely to national identity. Here are two results from a survey of 1,200 about what makes an ‘Australian’ How important is being born in Australia? How important is being able to speak English?
Speed chat Topic: ハーフ in Japan English Seminar II What do you think of this word? Do you think it is positive, negative, or neutral? Do you know personally any ハーフ? What famous ハーフ do you know? ^What do you know about them? How are ハーフ usually represented in the media?
Group discussion Do you know who this is? Ariana Miyamoto Born in Sasebo Mother is Japanese Father is African American Represented Japan at 2015 Miss Universe contest
Let’s read an article and watch a news report about Ariana Miyamoto English Seminar II Let’s read an article and watch a news report about Ariana Miyamoto The New York Times BBC news https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-5sHglFbO8 Take 1 minute – tell your partner your impression of this newspaper article Take 1 minute – tell your partner your impression of this news report
Please summarise the main points English Seminar II Summarising Please summarise the main points of these two news items in a few lines. Let’s share with the group
Group discussion Assessment English Seminar II Q. How important is ‘race’ in developing a Japanese identity? Q. How important is place of birth in developing a Japanese identity?
Group discussion Assessment English Seminar II Q. What other things make a person ‘Japanese’? Q. Can anyone be/become ‘Japanese’?
Assessment English Seminar II Group discussion.There are currently an average of 20,000 babies born in Japan each year, with one Japanese and one non-Japanese parent (1 in 50 births) Q. What challenges do you think there are for ‘haafu’ and foreign-born children being raised in Japan? Q. ^ How can society overcome some of these challenges?
Go around the group and share one sentence about Assessment English Seminar II Reflection Go around the group and share one sentence about something you learnt or felt today something you found interesting, or something you would like to learn more about
See you next week