Study Guide Review and Timed Write Information Please take out your Red Death study guide, a piece of paper and something to write with.
Constructing a Theme Theme = A Subject + The Author’s Evaluation of that subject Naturally the subject will be a major concept/conceit evoked by the whole literary work: ambition, fate, honor, love, death, fame The evaluation will state the author’s opinion of the subject, the author’s findings or conclusions. Using this formula will yield a complete sentence about a major idea in the work.
Themes Should Make a general statement about the way life is. Evaluate a concept or offer a sophisticated description of how that concept operates in real life. Be a complete sentence. Be general enough that it conveys major ideas that informs the entire literary work.
Themes Should Not: 1. Define the concept instead of commenting on it. Non example: Ambition is seeking power no matter what. 2. Use figurative language or clichés. Non example: What comes around goes around. Non example: When corruption is involved, it doesn’t matter if someone’s heart is in the right place.
Themes Should Not: 3. Contain concrete details from the literary work. Non example: Macbeth should have been more loyal to the people of his country. 4. Address the reader by calling the reader “you” or by giving the reader instruction on how to behave (using words like “don’t,” “shouldn’t,” etc.) Non example: You shouldn’t value your own greed for power because loyalty to your country is more important.
Which of these is a theme? From Hamlet Revenge is bad. If Laertes wouldn't have sought revenge against Hamlet, everyone would have lived happily ever after. Revenge can possess a person’s emotional state, which leads to destructive decisions. Don't hold on to negative feelings.
What you will need for the timed write: You will be provided with exam paper. So, you will only need your filled out 3x5 card with the quotations you intend to use, and a blue or black ink pen. No other materials will be allowed.
Introduction Formal Essay Attention Getter Transition Thesis that introduces the work, author and answers how your answer to the prompt relates to the theme. Uses parallel structure in telegraphing the content of each paragraph. Timed Write Thesis that introduces the work, author and answers how your answer to the prompt relates to the theme. (If it’s a 4-5 paragraph essay, you should use parallel structure in telegraphing the content of each paragraph.
Body Paragraphs… each should have… Formal Essay & Timed Write Topic Sentence that introduces how your first symbol/device is shown to create meaning Commentary with integrated evidence that Explains the context of the symbol (where is it in the story, in the setting, etc). Something that happens in the story to show it’s a symbol The effect of the symbol on the reader – foreshadowing, suspense, vivid imagery, etc. How the symbol connects to the theme of the story Concluding Sentence that explains to what extent the Symbol/technique is effective in the story?
Conclusion Formal Essay Restate all parts of the thesis in different words In detail, connect the theme of the story to today or the future. How relevant is it? Why is it/isn’t it. Timed Write Restate all parts of the thesis in different words Briefly, connect the theme of the story to today or the future. How relevant is it? Why is it/isn’t it.
The Prompt: Prompt: Please write a five-paragraph four-paragraph essay in which you explain how three two important symbols in the story contribute to a primary theme in The Masque of the Red Death. Your essay should have plenty of quotations/paraphrased evidence and commentary explaining the establishment and meaning of each symbol, intended effects of each symbol as well as each symbol’s theme connections.
Scoring: Content: 5 4 3 2 1 Each piece of relevant evidence moves the ideas of the paragraphs forward. Commentary clearly explains symbols’ effect and relation to the meaning without redundancy. Relevant evidence is consistently and fluently weaved into the commentary without redundancy. Organization: 5 4 3 2 1 Introduction, body paragraphs and conclusion follow the rules of their prescribed structures Transitions are natural, meaningful, and connect ideas together. Language: 5 4 3 2 1 Writing is coherent and words are accurately chosen Spelling and grammar is correct Note that it’s okay to cross out mistakes as they occur.
For the Multiple Choice Test: You will need to know: The Characters and their characterization. What happens and why it happens. Symbols created and why they are created. The archetypal symbols present in the story. Theme. The literary terms on your study guide.