Aujourd’hui (today) 1.) Cherchez vos devoirs WB 25 & 26. Also Half Sheet. Show the Sub your Homework. 2.) Check your homework with the answer documents for the homework on my web page. 3.) Do the following in class and whatever is not finished is homework: Workbook pages 27-30 Textbook read and answer the questions on page 32 and 33.
L’Objectif To be able to tell time. Using both the 24hr clock as well as the 12hr clock and using the French terms for AM and PM.
LES DEVOIRS Workbook pages 27 – 30 Textbook pages 32 – 33 Do the attached Time worksheet. This will be collected next class for a grade. You can watch the video about telling time again and there is also another video attached for the 24 hour time.