Safeguarding Adults DS Karen Philpott Crime Management Support Unit Force Lead on Safeguarding Adults
Objectives Current arrangements within Humberside Police Police & Crime Plan Links to Safeguarding Adults Board Strategy MCA 2005 Future
Police & Crime Plan 2013 -2017 Protection of Vulnerable Adults Improve the quality of service for victims Reduce repeat victimisation Support victim recovery Provide a prompt and effective response
Links to Safeguarding Adult Board Strategy PROTECTION/PREVENTION Training and awareness Data Quality Partnership working Safeguarding referrals Consistent Working Practices
Links to Safeguarding Adult Board Strategy LEADERSHIP, ENGAGEMENT & PARTNERSHIP Representation at the Safeguarding Adults Board Multi agency agreements/protocols Inter agency Support Training/Awareness MASH
Links to Safeguarding Adult Board Strategy ACCOUNTABILITY & QUALITY ASSURANCE ERO/CPS Evaluation of ABE interviews Continuous Professional Development Update training SCRs
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Act introduces a new criminal offence of ill treatment or wilful neglect which applies to the following individuals: a person who has the care of a person who lacks capacity or is reasonably believed to lack capacity; or a person who is the donee of a LPA; or a person who is a deputy appointed for the person by the court.
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 Brings in a test for capacity - Understand the information given to them Retain the information long enough to make the decision Weigh up the information available to make the decision Communicate the decision
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 “Everyone has the right to make what might be seen to be eccentric or unwise decisions”
Draft Care and Support Bill Reduced workforce Future Draft Care and Support Bill Reduced workforce