Oxidation Reduction reaction (REDOX) Exp # 5 Oxidation Reduction reaction (REDOX) Noura AlHammad
What is meant by a “redox” reaction? A reaction that involves the transfer of electrons from one atom to another. Oxidation: a loss of electrons is oxidation (leo) reducing agent Reduction: a gain of electrons is reduction (ger) oxidizing agent Noura AlHammad
Electrons cannot exist in isolation Oxidation and reduction always occur together. If one substance is losing electrons (oxidation) another substance must be gaining electrons (reduction). Noura AlHammad
Oxidation number: the charge an atom in a compound have. There is a simple way to keep track on oxidation and reduction, this is done via “oxidation number” Oxidation number: the charge an atom in a compound have. Now we can redefine the redox reaction with respect to oxidation number: a redox reaction is a chemical reaction in which changes in oxidation number occur. Switch to board to explain how to find the oxidation number Noura AlHammad
Noura AlHammad