A nice story of Paul Coelho
A man, his horse and his dog were on a road A man, his horse and his dog were on a road. When passed near a huge tree was struck by lightning and three died swoon.
But the man did not realize he had already left this world, and went on with his two animals (sometimes the dead walk some time before being aware of his new status ...)
The road was long and uphill The road was long and uphill. The sun was very intense, and they were sweaty and thirsty. At a bend in the road they saw a magnificent marble portal, leading to a square paved with cobblestones gold.
Walker turned to the man guarding the entrance and engaged him, the following dialogue: Good morning. Good morning - answered the guardian What do you call this place so nice?. This is heaven .
How well we have reached Heaven, because we are thirsty How well we have reached Heaven, because we are thirsty! You can come and drink as much water as you want. And the Guardian said the source. But my horse and my dog are thirsty ... I'm sorry - said the guard - but here it is not allowed in the animals.
The man got up in great disgust, since he was very thirsty, but he would not drink alone. He thanked the guard and moved on. After walking uphill for a while, and exhausted the three, came to another site, whose entrance was marked by an old door that opened onto a dirt road surrounded by trees
In the shadow of one of the trees there was a man lying with his head covered by a hat. Possibly slept. Good morning - said the traveler. The man responded with a nod. We very thirsty, my horse, my dog and I There is one source among those rocks - said the man, indicating the place.
You can drink as much water as you want You can drink as much water as you want. The man, the horse and the dog went to the spring and quenched their thirst. The traveler went back to thank the man You can come back whenever you want - I replied.
By the way What do you call this place? - Asked the man. HEAVEN. Heaven? But if the marble gatekeeper told me that it was heaven!
This was not Heaven. It was hell - said the guardian This was not Heaven. It was hell - said the guardian. The traveler was puzzled. You should prohibit using your name!This false information must cause great confusion! - Walker warned.
By no means! - Rebuked the man Actually, do us a great favor, because there are those who are able to leave their best friends ... Paulo Coelho.
Never abandon your true Friends Cause: Make a Friend is a Grace, Have a Friend is a Gift, Keep A Friend is a Virtue Be Your Friend! It's an Honor ...
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