Osage Orange Osage orange
Eastern Hemlock Eastern Hemlock
Little Leaf Linden Little Leaf Linden
Colorado Blue Spruce Colorado Blue Spruce
Norway Spruce From afar the branches look like a wet dog’s tail
White Oak Smooth lobed leaves White oak
London Plane Bark is patchy London Plane
Norway Maple Looks like sugar maple but milky sap Norway Maple
Red Oak Northern Red Oak
Japanese Elm/Zelkova Japanes Elm/Zelkova
River Birch River Birch
Flowering Dogwood Flowers are modified leaves, bark looks “plated” in squares Flowering dogwood
Ginkgo Ginkgo
Silver Maple
Honey Locust
Eastern Redbud Eastern Redbud
Scotch Pine Scot’s Pine
Siberian Elm Siberian Elm
Red Maple 3 lobes on leaves, red petiole Red Maple
Sugar Maple 5 lobes on leaf Sugar Maple
American Sycamore American Sycamore
Eastern Cottonwood Eastern Cottonwood
Black Oak Leaves are 5 to 7 lobes and come to bristle point Northern Black Oak
Scot’s Pine Scot’s Pine
Tulip Poplar Tulip tree
Sassafras Sassafras