Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office Created by: Tiffany Prather, Rusty Prather, Joan Jackson, Catrina Kennedy and Dr. Frank Flanders Georgia Agriculture Education Curriculum Office Revised April 2006
Ingredients: Bottled Fruit Juice Sure Jell® Sugar Pint or Half Pint Jars with Lids You will need a pressure canner, a large pot for boiling water, a large sauce pan, a measuring cup, and 3 hot plates.
Step 1: Before you begin making jelly, a large pot needs to be filled with water deep enough to cover jars. Place the jars and their lids in the water and bring the water to a boil so that they can become hot and sterilized.
Step 2: Measure out 3 cups of bottled fruit juice and pour into the large sauce pan. Any fruit juice can be used so be creative. 1 package of Sure Jell® needs to added to the fruit juice. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil.
Step 3: After the mixture has reached a boil, mix in 4 cups of sugar Step 3: After the mixture has reached a boil, mix in 4 cups of sugar. Return the mixture to a rolling boil. Boil hard for 1 minute, stirring constantly.
Step 4: After the mixture has boiled for 1 minute remove from heat and remove the foam that has formed on top if necessary.
1/4 inch head space Step 5: Remove the jars from the boiling water. After the foam has been skimmed from the top of the mixture, pour the hot mixture into the hot, sterilized jars, leaving 1/4-inch head space. Adjust the caps onto the jars. Yields 5 to 6 (half-pint) jars.
Step 6: Place the mixture filled jars into the canner filled with just enough water to cover the tops of each jar. Process 5 minutes in a boiling water bath.
Step 7: After the jars have boiled for 5 minutes remove the jars from the water. Wait and listen for them to seal. You now have made home-made jelly.
Tiffany’s Sunrise Apple Raspberry Jelly Making the Jar Your Own! Enjoy your jelly. Make sure to also create a label for your jelly. Be creative. Make sure to include all of the ingredients used in the jelly. An example of a label is: Tiffany’s Sunrise Apple Raspberry Jelly Ingredients Include: Apple juice, raspberry juice, sugar, sure jell®, and lots of hard work.