Latino American Settlement By Tatum, Alexei, and Jocob.
How they came here. Now I’m sure you all are familiar with Christopher Columbus, he was Latino. He came here from Spain, Paid by queen Isabella. He came on three ships the Nina, Pinta and Santamaria.
Why they came here They didn’t come here looking for gold or work like most people did, But they were looking for a quick way to Asia. They accidentally landed on a Carrabin island. They traveled to Mexico a then to the U.S.A.
Christopher Columbus’s voyage Christopher Columbus was the captain of the Nina, Pinta and Santamaria, as you all know. As he landed on the Caribbean island-Haiti- He left some men and went back to Spain. When he came back to Haiti he brought more people. Not long after that they traveled on and made a huge colony in Mexico. Soon they traveled 2,000 miles north to America. Texas, California, New Mexico and Florida were some of their first states.
How did it affect them? It was hard. I personally have no idea how hard it was but they traveled about 5,000 miles over sea. The farthest I’ve ever gone to is to Florida let alone a new contenant.