Sue Steward-Qualifications & Examinations Executive Qualification Review Sue Steward-Qualifications & Examinations Executive
Project plan Rationale for change Who has been involved in decision making Working groups Overview of qualification framework Action taken Questions
Rationale for change The Trading Standards Qualifications framework (TSQF) has been under increasing strain during the past few years with decreasing volumes of 57% of candidates sitting the qualifications from 2011 - 2016 CTSI has for the past 10 years subsidised the costs involved in running the framework. With the decreasing volumes of candidates undertaking the TSQF this has impacted CTSI financially, we have been struggling to facilitate the modular qualification and Council and Boards acknowledged the need to begin making alterations. We recognised the need to modernise the qualification framework to ensure it equips Trading Standards Practitioners now and in the future with the skills and knowledge for their evolving roles and responsibilities within the industry.
Who A comprehensive review of the TSQF was undertaken in 2015 by the TSQF Focus group, a team collaboration of Lead officers, Heads of Service, Trading Standards specialists, Regional representatives and academics. Council reviewed the information provided by the Focus group and confirmed the decision to move forward into a new qualification. Qualifications & Awards Board (QAB) are tasked to oversee the new qualifications project.
Working groups The new qualification review is sectioned into 7 elements. Each element has a dedicated team to oversee their allocated area of the new qualification. The working group members are an alliance of QAB members, Council members, ACTSO members, Trading Standards Specialists and highly experienced Academics.
Process of each working group Agreed outcome QAB feedback provided to working groups Information gathered from meeting provided to QAB Working group meeting
Stage 1 Is a level 4 qualification, consisting of 3 units. Structured meetings for the Stage 1 working group begun in March 2017 Direction for the Stage 1 qualification has been confirmed and a draft syllabi created and provided to the QAB for review.
Stage 2 Is a level 5 qualification with an exit point for candidates. Stage 2 is a complex qualification with many elements to take into consideration to ensure candidates taking the new qualification are fully equipped Trading Standards Practitioners on completion of the qualification. Meetings for this Stage have been ongoing since April this year.
Stage 3 In July the members of the Stage 3 will begin to discuss the level 6 qualification ensuring we capture specialist learning and incorporate relevant CPPD for Chartered Trading Standards Practitioners
Assessment The committed members of this group have begun to meet to review and discuss the variety of options available to assess the new qualification. The initiative is to take on board a range of assessments and to ascertain which form of assessment fits the modules within the new qualification
Transition The 1st meeting for the transition team was held 2 weeks ago to begin discussing the transition of candidates from the TSQF antecedents to the new qualification. Candidates will not be disadvantaged entering the new qualification. CTSI do recommend you complete the qualification you are currently studying for at this point in time.
Training Training specialists will be integrated into the working group to ensure we capture all the options available for providing training to candidates. The working group will commence their meetings from August.
Apprenticeships and Employers The Apprenticeships and Employers working group will be ensuring the apprentice route is a viable attractive option for employers of the future. This working group will be meeting in the coming months for their 1st meeting
Action CTSI are committed to creating a modern qualification that ensures we meet the needs of Trading Standards Practitioner now and in the future. We will continue to dedicate resources and engage highly experienced individuals to ensure the we construct a comprehensive qualification for you. We will continue to welcome your feedback to be fed back to the QAB for them to review At regular intervals communications of updates on the qualification review will be provided to you. We value and appreciate your support during the transition to the new qualification framework.