Opening remarks ---- Monte Carlo studies of Large N and SUSY Numerical Approaches to AdS/CFT, Large N and Gravity, Sep 28-Oct 2, 2009, Imperial College, London Jun Nishimura (KEK Theory Center)
Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY Large N physics Multi-colour QCD M.Teper, H.Neuberger, H.Meyer ’t Hooft’s idea Feynman diagrams in large N gauge theory 1/N expansion genus expansion of world sheet planar limit = classical string theory gauge/gravity duality M.Hanada black hole physics D.Berenstein, T.Wiseman IKKT model H.Kawai, A.Tsuchiya non-perturbative superstring theory emergence of 4d space-time ? J.Nishimura Jun Nishimura (KEK) 09.9.28 Imperial College London Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY
Eguchi-Kawai’s large-N reduction Eguchi-Kawai reduction planar large-N gauge theory = dimensionally reduced model problem due to U(1)D SSB Bhanot-Heller-Neuberger original idea works with adjoint fermions (?) large-N QCD Bringoltz-Sharpe, Narayanan’s group, J.Wosiek New type of large-N reduction A.Tsuchiya for N=4 SYM on preserving 16 supercharges Jun Nishimura (KEK) 09.9.28 Imperial College London Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY
Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY Supersymmetry Lattice approach fine-tuning of bare param. using Neuberger’s overlap Dirac operator J.Giedt, R.Brower fine tuning parameters off line J.Giedt, E.Dzienkowski preserving one exact supersymmetry using topological twist S.Catterall, F.Sugino, P.Damgaard Non-lattice approach M.Hanada, J.Nishimura 1d gauge theory with 16 supercharges extension to higher dim. A.Tsuchiya, M.Honda using new type of large-N reduction Jun Nishimura (KEK) 09.9.28 Imperial College London Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY
Emergent space-time from supersymmetric large-N matrices Gauge/gravity duality, AdS/CFT Black hole physics from gauge theory Eguchi-Kawai large-N reduction 4d (?) space-time from the IKKT model A new approach to quantum space-time causal dynamical triangulation J.Ambjorn foliation preserving diffeomorphism H.Kawai discrete gravity using causal sets D.Rideout close relationship Jun Nishimura (KEK) 09.9.28 Imperial College London Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY
Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY Conclusion Large-N SUSY Gravity starting to merge into one big subject numerical approach is playing an important role c.f.) “lattice” So, the bottom line is… It’s nice to have you all here ! I hope we will have a fruitful week ! Jun Nishimura (KEK) 09.9.28 Imperial College London Opening remarks---Monte Carlo studies of large N and SUSY