“ The Most Dangerous Game” Vocabulary English I Mrs. Maranto
Affable (adj.) friendly; cordial; warmly polite
Amenity (n.) something that adds to one’s comfort
Condone (v.) to forgive or overlook
Cosmopolite (n.) a person who is worldly in his or her ideas, life, etc.; citizen of the world; Sophisticated
Debacle (n.) a general breakup; sudden downfall or disaster
Futile (adj.) Having no useful result ; pointless
Gargoyle (n.) a grotesquely carved figure of a human or animal
Naive (adj.) having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; immature
Palpable (adj.) readily seen or heard and recognized
Quarry (n.) Object of a hunt; prey
Scruple (n.) a feeling of uneasiness that keeps a person from doing something; your conscience
Tangible (adj.) Capable of being touched or felt; having actual form and substance
Zealous (adj.) Intensely enthusiastic