SCN Working Group on Household Food Security Using Information Technology for Networking and Documenting Lessons Learnt
Background Food security and sustainable livelihoods are key to good nutrition We meet once a year for 2 hours... Setting up intermediary meetings is not a realistic option Significant experience (in particular at local level) is both available and needed worldwide
What could be done? Share information and experience through a virtual forum Document local experience on food security, nutrition and livelihoods (FSNL)
Create an Online Group To allow people working on FSNL at all levels to: communicate share experience and information discuss issues of common interest. Grandchild of NGO.NUT?
FSNL Online group Interested people can join at: Members will be part of a mailing list. They will receive messages through the Dgroups email list. They can download documents on the Dgroups webpage They can get contact information from other members
Document Local Experience Common template to allow information management Draft questionnaire developed: WAHO/HKI/Tulane initiative Based on Improving nutrition programmes: an assessment tool for action Tested with a few interested partners in the field Discussed with colleagues (FAO and partner institutions) Make information available: Fact sheets on promising practices? Post on web?