Why would we? It will make our people better at their work and they will want to stay with us It will attract new talent, especially on the front-end.


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Presentation transcript:

Let’s incentivize Open Source contributions done outside working hours!

Why would we? It will make our people better at their work and they will want to stay with us It will attract new talent, especially on the front-end front This has been verified to the extent possible by asking such people how would they react It's the right thing to do and shows our dedication to the community Nobody is doing it yet

What kind of compensation? Money, like so: €15 per hour used monthly maximum 30 hours per person It’s simple, it’s elegant, it’s fair It also sounds good

Management We will establish a Flowdock channel Pull requests (work done) visible there … automatically … containing the hours used Someone collects hours, sends to payroll Transparent to the max Peers will keep you in check

Risks What if it becomes too popular (expensive?) Limited budget for the first 5 months is ok What if nobody uses it? We’ll find other ways to motivate to get started People will switch to 4-day work-week This incentive is only for full-timers People might switch back from 4-day week Juridical issues No issues, has been cleared with legal