Trip Reports and Software Plans for the Upgrade AAC at Fermilab APEX at BNL Plan for BB software Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software AAC at Fermilab The Accerator Advisory Committee has been convened from the 28th to the 30th of July 2010 at Fermilab One of the goals has been to review the proposed experiments for the post-Run II studies Proposals were put forward by the Tevatron, BNL & CERN Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software Tevatron Proposal ½ Integer Tevatron Working Point Lifetime vs Helix Size (Beam Separation) Confirm worse lifetime with smaller σz/β* (V.Shiltsev) Wide tune scans during collisions (Zhang, Shiltsev) Lifetime vs Phase Advance between CDF & D0 IPs (Yu. Alexahin) Coherent beam-beam effect Tevatron as Stretcher Ring for Slow Spill (M. Syphers) Instability studies Lifetime measurements for IBS / vacuum / noise Electron Cloud (X. Zhang) Space-Charge Compensation with Electron Column Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software BNL Proposal Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software Recommendations Prioritize experiments taking into account effort, benefit, academic interest, relevance for existing problems Need commitment of management to allocate time on experiments, thus need to iterate of program planning with management TEVATRON end of run-II or end of store should start to be coordinated and organized starting now and a coordinator should be designated. Experiments should be formally proposed with well defined goals. A formal process should (which does not have to be very elaborate) be put in place to approve proposed experiments. Experiments should be worked out well in advance with clear goals, simulations, clear understanding of needed instrumentation of hardware and needed time, Each topic should have an FNAL liaision to assure feasibility and adequate preparation Completed experiments should be evaluated and results should be captured in a written report if not a publication. This should be a condition for approval. 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software Consequence & Plan Together with the Tevatron experts we have defined the CERN/FERMILAB teams for the 8 first CERN experiments. It was felt that the last 2 were not quite doable at the Tevatron. Of course it all depends on whether the RUN II will be prolonged or not. In any event the collimation experiments will go ahead. There is a strong self-interest between the Tevatron colleagues to do these experiments in a parasitic manner. Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software APEX Goals Improve machine performance RHIC Injector chain Support developments for RHIC future eRHIC, coherent electron cooling Support beam instrumentation development RHIC, AGS, future facilities like pEDM Inter-lab collaboration LHC, Tevatron, CEBAF Enrich accelerator physics knowledgement 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software Run-11 Recommendation of Program Advisory Committee (June 21-22, 2010): 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software Wolfram Fischer 10
Trip reports and BB software Summary Run-11: 250 GeV polarized protons goals P = 35 50% b* = 0.7 0.6 m Nb = 1.1 1.4x1011 Run-11: 100 GeV/nucleon goals b* = 0.75 0.65 m Nb = 1.1 1.1x109 more cooling To allow for lower b* need to implement reliable optics measurement and correction 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software Wolfram Fischer 11
Further polarized beam upgrades Polarized source upgrade 10x intensity, ~5% more polarization (2013) Electron lenses up to 2x luminosity with source upgrade (2013) In-situ pipe coating SEY and r reduction (start >2013) existing OPPIS 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software Wolfram Fischer 12
Trip reports and BB software New Developments RHIC Orbit, Tune, Coupling, and Chromaticity Feedback RUN-10: Tune and coupling feedback fully operational First proof-of-principle of simultaneous: Tune, coupling, and chromaticity feedback Orbit, tune, and coupling feedback Simultaneous feedback on all 4 Pictures at right are during the first execution in RUN-10 RUN-11: Goals: Fully operational 4-way simultaneous feedback Orbit feedback during the store Modifications to BPM and Orbit managers: (Al Marusic) Merge BpmManager and OrbitManager - Reduce load on FECs, resulting in fewer data gaps Start using orbit correction library in RhicOrbitDisplay - Integrate existing orbit tools & features into the Controls system. Exception handling for non-converging orbit corrections (due to machine optical errors). Additional supporting efforts: (Al Marusic) Reduce CPU usage by modifying loggers to use new fast networking services. - Employ new network features including more efficient and faster paths. Retire multiple loggers, replace with LogView display files - Carefully clean up redundant logging, employ master loggers. Ensure that existing stone-orbit correction select proper saved orbits. -Time stamping or data retrieval problems could allow import of bad data. 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software APEX Workshop 2010, D. Gassner (10/18/10) 13
Interlab Collaboration Strong interest in the LHC Online Model Massive Tracking planned with BOINC (LHC@HOME) for e-lens tracking. This element has been included by BNL and Eric McIntosh has prepared the SixTrack run environment could be of use for LHC upgrade? 6D element in Sixtrack has been tested, apparently weaker than expected??? Plan is to benchmark all BB codes of the 3 Labs: CERN, FERMILAB & BNL To this end extended studies planned for beginning of next year. Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
LHC Upgrade Requirements For the LHC upgrade more severe parameters and/or new techniques might be required. One option is to use flat instead of round beams. It also seems that the crossing angle will be larger than for the nominal LHC version. Both requires to use SixTrack differently than before: Presently SixTrack has been set up to make use of the LHC anti-symmetry to calculate BB for round beams a true flat option makes code modifications necessary. The larger crossing angle raises the question if the plain 4D BB description is still adequate. SixTrack has the 6D BB lens implemented à la Ripken. Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software Flat Beams in SixTrack Emanuele has implemented a first version of flat beams by passing the sigma values to SixTrack via a file produced by MAD. This is a good approximation but a small issue remains in case of strong coupling. Eventually this will require to implement the BB force in the MAD-X PTC converter. This will be done in the future but will require extensive testing. Nevertheless the present solution seems to be sufficient for the case of the LHC upgrade. Once the benchmarking is finished and its usage is documented we are ready for the upgrade. Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software
Trip reports and BB software 6D BB lens in SixTrack Some 10 years ago Gerhard Ripken visited us and had derived a formalism of the 6D BB lens including coupling. This is an extension of the original work by Hirata. Peter Leunissen implemented this 6D lens into SixTrack. Besides basic tests it has not been benchmarked nor used extensively. Since the needs arises now, the code will be reviewed and benchmarked with external codes. Fff 10 Nov 2010 Trip reports and BB software