Community Organizing and Advocacy Capacity Assessment Nuances Susan Hoechstetter November 11, 2010
Continuum for Organizing and Advocacy Work Community Organizing For Many Groups Effective Evaluation Requires Both Models
Continuum for Organizing and Advocacy Community Organizing Advocacy Mainly Power Mainly Policy Power, Some Policy Policy, Some Power Policy & Power Groups May Self-Define Differently!
Similarities: Organizing and Advocacy Social good, passion Long-term External factors, changes in course Complex processes Capacity building critical Not easy to measure Self evaluation important
Differences: Organizing and Advocacy Empowerment vs Policy Influence Focus on democratic leadership Social justice focus Leadership development Attitudes, Culture
PICO believes that when people have power they can protect the things that are important to their families and their communities, and that one way to have power is to build strong, broad-based, democratic organizations. The Marin County Equal Voice Coalition represents a broad-based partnership of organizations that…work collaboratively to address the need for policy change …to improve our quality of life. We aim to…empower our constituencies to participate in decision-making processes that shape our communities
The Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) is the leading national nonprofit organization working to improve public policies and public-private partnerships to eradicate hunger and undernutrition in the United States. FRAC works with hundreds of national, state and local nonprofit organizations, public agencies, corporations and labor organizations to address hunger, food insecurity, and their root cause, poverty.
AFJ DRAFT COMMUNITY ORGANIZING CAPACITY INDICATORS AFJ ADVOCACY CAPACITY INDICATORS AFJ DRAFT COMMUNITY ORGANIZING CAPACITY INDICATORS Organizational Indicators: Decision making structures Advocacy Agenda Organizational commitment/resources Organizational Indicators: Organizing commitment/resources Fiscal Sustainability Constituent leadership in decision-making Empowerment/Constituent Leadership Indicators: Constituents understand concepts of organizing Constituent leadership is developed and utilized Constituents develop Political Consciousness and Sense of Empowerment Relationship Indicators: Advocacy base Advocacy partners Advocacy targets Strategy/ Knowledge & Skills Indicators: Media skills and infrastructure Issue expertise Advocacy strategies Knowledge, skills, and systems to effectively implement strategies Strategy/ Knowledge & Skills Indicators: Media Skills and Infrastructure Community Organizing Strategy Staff/Constituent Relations Knowledge, skills, and tools to obtain organizing outcomes
“Advocacy and community organizing are very close cousins and they strengthen each other." -Marjorie Fine The Linchpin Campaign of the Center for Community Change
Resources for Evaluating Community Organizing New November 2010! An Evaluation of the Ford Foundation's Neighborhood and Family Initiative, by Robert J. Chaskin, Selma Chipenda-Dansokho, Mark Joseph, and Carla Richards, a report by the Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago Creating Change through Community Organizing: Funding Strategies That Develop Local Leadership and Build Collective Power, by Marjorie Fine of the Center for Community Change “Do-it-Yourself Evaluation of Community Organizing” videos, created by Blueprint Research & Design. Grassroots Action and Learning for Social Change: Evaluating Community Organizing, by Catherine Crystal Foster & Justin Louie Movement Building Indicators, by the Asian Communities for Reproductive Justice Organizer Training and Bi-annual Strategic Evaluation and Organizer Evaluation, by Rabbi Moshe Ben Asher of Gather the People More… Available at the Alliance for Justice Website:
AFJ ADVOCACY CAPACITY INDICATORS Organizational Indicators: Decision making structures Advocacy Agenda Organizational commitment/resources Relationship Indicators: Advocacy base Advocacy partners Advocacy targets Strategy/ Knowledge & Skills Indicators: Media skills and infrastructure Issue expertise Advocacy strategies Knowledge, skills, and systems to effectively implement strategies
AFJ DRAFT COMMUNITY ORGANIZING CAPACITY INDICATORS Organizational Indicators: Organizing commitment/resources Fiscal Sustainability Constituent leadership in decision-making Empowerment/Constituent Leadership Indicators: Constituents understand concepts of organizing Constituent leadership is developed and utilized Constituents develop Political Consciousness and Sense of Empowerment Strategy/ Knowledge & Skills Indicators: Media Skills and Infrastructure Community Organizing Strategy Staff/Constituent Relations Knowledge, skills, and tools to obtain organizing outcomes