Micro-cooling devices for LHCb Velo CERN LETI3S C. Charrier - C. Castellana - D. Renaud - E. Rouchouze - JF Teissier Meeting 8 Décembre 2016
Short Loop 1 : Metallisation Introduction - Layout Short Loop 1 : Metallisation Short Loop 2 : Dicing Short Loop 3 : Bonding Planning CONFIDENTIEL LETI 3S CERN D16F0010 23 septembre 2016 CONFIDENTIEL HH
LAYOUT f1 met f1 trou C Side b1 flui b1 can b2 rep b2 dec N Side
SHORT LOOP METAL (D16S2506) : PHASE 1A Base Wafers 550µm Splits P01 P02 P03 P04 P05 P06 Ti50Ni350Au500 X Ti200Ni350Au500 Stripping 1 Fotopur Stripping 2 EKC F1MET05B Mask P01 P02 P03 P05 P06 Delivered 8th of December 2016
SHORT LOOP DICING (D16S2225) : PHASE 1B PLAN A : LASER DICING 240µm 260 µm B2REP (and B2DEC dxf) Wafers preparation : - Initial bulk wafers 725µm - Thermal oxidation and bonding - Grinding front and back sides - Photo and Silicon dry etch B2REP MicroJet® - Synova Feasibility : validated on W46 P01 P02 ready to be diced. Plan : W51
SHORT LOOP DICING : PHASE 1B PLASMA DICING PLAN B 240µm 260 µm Wafers preparation (in progress) : - Initial bulk wafers 725µm - Thermal oxidation and bonding - Grinding front and back sides Photo and Silicon dry etch B2REP Laser mark Photo Plasma Dicing: mask to discuss B2REP AND SPECIFIC MASK TO BE DONE Strategy plasma Dicing OPTION 1 Red areas represent non device related surfaces to be covered with mask White lanes represent 100µm exposed Silicon channels (dicing lanes) 100µm channels should not require tape expansion to extract diced pieces Plan : W05/2017
Overall masking & Street strategy Option #2 Strategy plasma Dicing OPTION 2 Red areas represent non device related surfaces to be covered with mask White lanes represent 100µm exposed Silicon channels (dicing lanes) Dummy die dicing channels are created to allow expansion for easy die pick This option present a risk for localized load (higher etch rate) which might result in unbalanced etch rate between outer area and main die / wafer center)
Detailed view - Test structures blocks 100µm channels maintained constant in all areas
SHORT LOOP BONDING (D16S2603) : PHASE 1C 20 + 20 Base Wafers 550µm B1FLUID and B1CAN masks 20 Wafers Bottom Si bulk 550µm Silicon channels and capillary etching (Fluid) 20 Wafers TOP Si bulk 550µm Wafer Lot in progress Planning : W04 2017
Micro-cooling devices for LHCb : Current status PLANNING - estimation Micro-cooling devices for LHCb : Current status T0 : GDS W40 (received on October 6th 2016) : OK Final check : 11/09/2016 Appro MASK : W47 Delivered to LETI 11/21/2016 PHASE 1A : Metal short loop W49 Wafers delivered to CERN 12/08/2016 PHASE 1B: Grinding Dicing W51 or W05 B plan : Patterning dicing street (plasma dicing), will involve an additional mask Laser Dicing : Wafers Ready. Delay Time for dicing 1,5 W goal : cleanliness, chipping, wafer/device integrity, alignment accuracy PHASE 1C: Bonding validation W02 W03 Full flow > bonding plan: W04/2017
Micro-cooling devices for LHCb Velo upgrade Initial plan V1 juil.-16 août-16 sept.-16 oct.-16 nov.-16 déc.-16 janv.-17 févr.-17 mars-17 avr.-17 mai-17 juin-17 juil.-17 août-17 sept.-17 oct.-17 nov.-17 déc.-17 janv.-18 févr.-18 PHASE 1 masks 1A 1B 1C* valid CERN PHASE 2 PF LOT PHASE 3 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 LOT 7 LOT 8 simplified version
Micro-cooling devices for LHCb Velo upgrade Revised 12/08/2016 V1 oct.-16 nov.-16 déc.-16 janv.-17 févr.-17 mars-17 avr.-17 mai-17 juin-17 juil.-17 août-17 sept.-17 oct.-17 nov.-17 déc.-17 janv.-18 févr.-18 mar.-18 apr.-18 may.-18 PHASE 1 masks 1A metal 1B découpe laser 1C* valid CERN PHASE 2 PF LOT PHASE 3 LOT 1 LOT 2 LOT 3 LOT 4 simplified version