Welcome to Physics Forces.


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to Physics Forces

Warm Up Sit with your assigned group Get your packet from the front table Turn to page 1 in your notebook and record your scores Put check for understanding and assessment into your file folder ONLY Everything else into your binder 10 minutes

Agenda: summarize in planner Egg Drop Project

Learning Targets I can design, build and evaluate a device that will protect a dropped egg

Writing and Reading Discussion Group Work Instruction Quiet Focused Active listening On Topic Ask Questions Group Work Focus on topic Fulfill Roles Lean in Instruction Listen Take notes Raise hands

Egg Drop Challenge

“Its not the fall that kills you. It’s the sudden stop at the end.” Douglas Adams You want to make the sudden stop less sudden!

Define and Research the Problem Car Safety Features Define and Research the Problem DO: READ questions on Pages 5, 6 and 7 Go to crockphysics.weebly.com Navigate to “Forces” page Day 4 Watch Videos. Pause, rewind and repeat if necessary. ANSWER Questions on Pages 5, 6 and 7 WITH YOUR GROUP 30 minutes Checkpoint 1

Make a Prediction In which situation will a car experience the greatest force? A car that drives into a wall at 50 miles per hour. A car going 50 mph that crashes head on into another car that is also going 50 miles per hour. WHY? Take ONE MINUTE to discuss at your table. Then, share out. All tables will share. . .

Crashing Cars

Clean Up Lab supplies put away Table supplies returned to box Name tags turned in Work turned in Notebooks in backpack Scrapes recycled Stay in your seat until the bell rings