Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 - 12th CNS International Summer School (CNSSS13) 28 August to 03 September 2013 -- CNS Wako Campus Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 - QCD and Nuclear Forces; Effective Field Theory (EFT) for Low-Energy QCD R. Machleidt University of Idaho R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Prologue In Lecture 2, we have seen how beautifully the meson theory of nuclear forces works. This may suggest that we are done with the theory of nuclear forces. Well, as it turned out, the fundamental theory of the strong interaction is QCD (and not meson theory). Thus, if we want to understand the nuclear force on the most fundamental level, then we have to base it upon QCD. So, we have to start all-over again; this time from QCD. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Lecture 3: QCD and Nuclear Forces; EFT for Low-Energy QCD The nuclear force in the light of QCD QCD-based models (“quark models”) The symmetries of low-energy QCD An EFT for low-energy QCD: Why? An EFT for low-energy QCD: How? Power counting The Lagrangians The Diagrams: Hierarchy of nuclear forces R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
The nuclear force in the light of QCD If nucleons do not overlap, …. ? then we have two separated colorless objects. In lowest order, they do not interact. This is analogous to the interaction between two neutral atoms. Like the Van der Waals force, the nuclear force is a residual interaction. Such interactions are typically weak as compared to the “pure” version of the force (Coulomb force between electron and proton, strong force between two quarks, respectively). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The analogy Van der Waals force Nuclear force + - + - Residual force between two electric charge-neutral atoms Residual force between two color charge-neutral nucleons Note that residual forces are typically weak as compared to the “pure” version of the force (order of magnitude weaker). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
No! No! How far does the analogy go? What is the mechanism for each residual force? Van der Waals force + - Residual force between two electric charge-neutral atoms Nuclear force Residual force between two color charge-neutral nucleons No! Because it would create a force of infinite range (gluons are massless), but the nuclear force is of finite range. Two-photon exchange (=dipole-dipole interaction) No! The perfect analogy would be a two-gluon exchange. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Non-overlapping nucleons, cont’d But they could interact by quark/anti-quark exchange: This is meson exchange! R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) When nucleons DO overlap, we have a six-quark problem with non-perturbative interactions between the quarks (non-perturbative gluon-exchanges). A formidable problem! ? Attempts to calculate this by lattice QCD are under way; see e.g., T. Hatsuda, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 67, 122 (2012); M.J. Savage, ibid. 67, 140 (2012). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
QCD-based models (“quark models”) To make 2- and 3-quark (hadron spectrum) or 5- or 6-quark (hadron-hadron interaction) calculations feasible, simple assumptions on the quark-quark interactions are made. For example, the quark-quark interaction is assumed to be just one-gluon-exchange or even meson-exchange. This is, of course, not real QCD. It is a model; a “QCD-inspired” model. The positive thing one can say about these models is that they make a connection between the hadron spectrum and the hadron-hadron interaction. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Conclusion Quark models are not QCD. So, they are not the solution. Lattice QCD is QCD, but too elaborate for every-day nuclear physics. What now? Let’s take another look at QCD. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
The symmetries of low-energy QCD The QCD Lagrangian Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian Broken symmetries R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The QCD Lagrangian with where r=red, g=green, and b=blue, and the gauge-covariant derivative and the gluon field tensor R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian Quark masses Assuming the QCD Lagrangian for just up and down quarks reads R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian, cont’d Introduce projection operators “Right-handed” “Left-handed” Properties Complete Idempotent Orthogonal R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian, cont’d Consider Dirac spinor for a particle of large energy or zero mass: Thus, for mass-less particles, helicity/chirality eigenstates exist and the projection operators project them out R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
= “Chiral Symmetry” Symmetries of the QCD Lagrangian, cont’d For zero-mass quarks, quark field of right-handed chirality quark field of left-handed chirality: the QCD Lagrangian can be written = “Chiral Symmetry” (Because the mass term is absent; mass term destroys chiral symmetry.) R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Interim summary (approximate) Chiral Symmetry R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Chiral symmetry and Noether currents Noether’s Theorem Six conserved currents 3 left-handed currents 3 right-handed currents R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Note: “vector” is Isospin! Alternatively, … 3 vector currents 3 axial-vector currents 6 conserved “charges” Note: “vector” is Isospin! R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Explicit symmetry breaking due to non-zero quark masses The mass term that we neglected breaks chiral symmetry explicitly: with Both terms break chiral symmetry, but the 1st term is invariant under R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking From the chiral symmetry of the QCD Lagrangian, one would expect that “parity doublets” exist; because: Let R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Spontaneous symmetry breaking, cont’d What would parity doublets look like? Nucleons of positive parity: p(1/2+,938.3), n(1/2+,939.6), I=1/2; nucleons of negative parity: N(1/2-,1535), I=1/2. But, the masses are very different: NOT a parity doublet! A meson of negative parity: the “same” with positive parity: But again, the masses are very different: NOT a parity doublet! Conclusion: Parity doublets are not observed in the low-energy hadron spectrum. Chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Definition: When the ground state does not have the same symmetries as the Langrangian, then one speaks of “spontaneous symmetry breaking”. Classical examples Lagrangian has rot. symmetry; groundstate has not. Symmetry is spontaneously broken. Lagrangian and ground state have both rotational symmetry. No symmetry breaking. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Goldstone’s Theorem When a continuous symmetry is broken, then there exists a (massless) boson with the quantum numbers of the broken generator. Here: The 3 axial generators are broken, therefore, 3 pseudoscalar bosons exist: the 3 pions This explains the small mass of the pion. The pion mass is not exactly zero, because the u and d quark masses are no exactly zero either. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
More about Goldstone Bosons The breaking of the axial symmetry in the QCD ground state (QCD vacuum) implies that the ground state is not invariant under axial transformations, i.e. Thus, a physical state must be generated by the axial charge, Goldstone bosons interact weakly. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Summary QCD in the u/d sector has approximate chiral symmetry; but this symmetry is broken in two ways: explicitly broken, because the u and d quark masses are not exactly zero; spontaneously broken: i.e., axial symmetry is broken, while isospin symmetry is intact. There exist 3 Goldstone bosons: the pions R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Knowing the symmetries, we can now apply … Weinberg’s “Folk Theorem” Weinberg R. Machleidt R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) 27
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Weinberg’s Folk Theorem is the stepping stone to what has become known as an Effective Field Theory (EFT). Here, in short, the reasoning: QCD at low energy is non-perturbative and, therefore, not solvable analytically in terms of the “fundamental” degrees of freedom (dof); quarks and gluons are ineffective dof at low energy. Below the chiral symmetry breaking scale pions and nucleons are the appropriate dof. Moreover, pions are Goldstone bosons which typically interact weakly. Thus, there is hope that a perturbative approach might work. To ensure the connection with QCD, we must observe the same symmetries as low-energy QCD, particularly, spontaneously broken chiral symmetry, such that our chiral EFT can be indentified with low-energy QCD. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
How to do this EFT program? Take the following steps: Write down the most general Lagrangian including all terms consistent with the assumed symmetries, particularly, spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. (Note: There will be infinitely many terms.) Calculate Feynman diagrams. (Note: There will be infinitely many diagrams.) Find a scheme for assessing the importance of the various diagrams (because we cannot calculate infinitely many diagrams). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
The organizational scheme “Power Counting” Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The Lagrangian R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The pi-pi Lagrangian At order two (leading order) Derivative part with (any number of pion fields). Goldstone bosons can only interact when they carry momentum → derivative coupling. Lorentz invariance → even number of derivatives. Plus symmetry breaking mass term: R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The pi-N Lagrangian with one derivative (=lowest order or “leading” order) Non-linear realization of chiral symmetry; Callan, Coleman, Wess, and Zumino, PR 177, 2247 (1969). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
pi-N Lagrangian, cont’d R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
pi-N Lagrangian with two derivatives (“next-to-leading” order) R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
The N-N Langrangian (“contact terms”) At order zero (leading order): At order two: At order four: R. Machleidt R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) 36
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Why contact terms? Two reasons: Renormalization: Absorb infinities from loop integrals. A physics reason (see next slide). R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
+ + + … What is the physics of contact terms? Consider the contribution from the exchange of a heavy meson + + + … Contact terms take care of the short range structures without resolving them. R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
Remember the homework we have to do ✔ Write down the most general Lagrangian including all terms consistent with the assumed symmetries, particularly, spontaneously broken chiral symmetry. (Note: There will be infinitely many terms.) Calculate Feynman diagrams. (Note: There will be infinitely many diagrams.) Find a scheme for assessing the importance of the various diagrams (because we cannot calculate infinitely many diagrams). ✔ R. Machleidt R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) 39
Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) The Diagrams Power counting for Feynman diagrams R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13)
The Hierarchy of Nuclear Forces 2N forces 3N forces 4N forces Leading Order The Hierarchy of Nuclear Forces Next-to Leading Order Next-to-Next-to Leading Order Next-to-Next-to-Next-to Leading Order
In Lecture 4, we will discuss the diagrams in more detail This finishes Lecture 3. In Lecture 4, we will discuss the diagrams in more detail A pedagogical review article about all this: R. Machleidt and D.R. Entem, Chiral Effective Field Theory and Nuclear Forces, Physics Reports 503, 1 (2011). R. Machleidt R. Machleidt Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) Nuclear Forces - Lecture 3 QCD & Nucl. Forces (CNSSS13) 42