Space Station-The International Space Station is a satellite that serves as a home for the crew while they perform scientific research and experiments History-First launch was from the Soviet Union Salyut 1 in 1971-First launch from the United States- was 1973-Skylab-astronauts stayed up to 84 days Equipment-living quarters, work and exercise areas, all the equipment needed for humans to live and work in space Carries humans-yes-US astronauts can stay up to 6 months-Russians have stayed longer than a year Space exploration-perform experiments and collect data on the effects of humans living in space, long-term research projects, drug design, treatment of many diseases
Space Shuttle-reusable space crafts that are used to take manned missions to space History-completed 135 missions from 1985-2011-14 astronauts have lost their lives, reusable spacecraft Equipment-astronauts, satellites, other materials needed for space exploration Carries humans-yes-has carried more than 350 humans throughout the years Space exploration-perform scientific experiments to determine the effects of space flight on the human body; launch, repair, and retrieve satellites
Space Probe-vehicles that carry sophisticated instrumentation, but no crew. They are designed to explore various aspects of the solar system History- first launched in 1962, have already studied Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, have gone beyond our Solar System Equipment-cameras, radio transmitters and receivers Carries humans-No Space exploration-gathers information and sends it back to scientists on Earth
Rockets-used mainly for delivering satellites into space; however, they have been known to launch manned space crafts into orbit History-Space Age began in 1957 when the Soviet Union used a rocket to send Sputnik 1 into space Equipment-space probes, satellites, space shuttle, units for the space station Carries humans-no Space exploration-sends instruments into space that collect data
Satellite-*add to your paper* History-first satellite launched in 1962, launch of a polar orbiter weather satellite in 2009 Equipment-4 types: remote sensing, navigation (GPS), weather and communications Carries humans-no A satellite is an object that orbits a planet. The Moon is a natural satellite. There are manmade satellites that collect data, aid in communication, and for military use.